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Everything posted by Lovemachine

  1. The thing most people dont know about burning tokens and Kaeris. Her main attack always triggers. You will always put burning tokens on everything you it with that. Acclereant is a spell you cast when you are either A. you have a large group of low HP things (rats, steampunk aboms etc.) Which works well if you overheat the fire gamin. Or B. You have a large thing that is almost dead. There is no resist for acclerant, so if you cast it, they take damage. I forget the name of her other spell that does a crap load of damage, but thats the one you use if you are just trying to shoot one baddie. Also with burning tokens, at the end close phase, they take a point of dmg or they can recieve paralized. Remeber, all attacks from Kaeris and Gamins cause burning tokens, all melee strikes against them cause burning tokens, and all blasts from those attacks cause burning tokens. Silent ones are always good. Extending Raspys range to 13 in is pretty amazing. Get a few more games in, and see how it feels ya?
  2. I know the base isnt finished, and ive got some minor touching up to do, but I think its an inprovement over my raspy.
  3. I would pick one or the other. With Kaeris, you should take fire Gamin. You dont have to, but it helps. And then with Snow Storm, you dont need any Fire Gamin. So when you have both, it spreads you out. But if you can make it work, go for it. Nobody has a perfect list. Hell, you might just want to take all heavy hitters.
  4. Thats completly valid. If you dont care about your model, shooting into combat is very effictive. You are going to hit something, and if you cheat it right, you just blast everything. Then the pulse damage, then Kaeris does her thing. Very good against the mobs of undead. Just my opinion though.
  5. Oh yeah, blast would suck. You just gotta play it right. With 10 wicked doll models, you could wait until the other player is done moving before you begin spamming them with the wicked dolls. My standard collodi list is 4 marys, 3 stitched, and 4 or 5 wicked dolls, depending. And I need my book 3 because I dont remember the stats on the weaver.
  6. Im just thinking, with perfect conditions (which never happens but....) you have Collodi surrounded by wicked dolls, then he gives them all fast and a couple of them melee expert. Then they all swarm, and of course produce more wicked dolls. Of course, you could also be swarming your apponent turn one. Now ive got a mission. If I play it, ill do a battle report.
  7. I bought the puppet deck, but A. It gives me bad luck, and B. when playing against newer players, it gets confusing. A faction specific plastic deck would be super sweet.
  8. Yah, 35ss game with a cashe of 4. You could add EVEN more wicked dolls with a 40SS game. *edit - so no one thinks its a good idea then huh?
  9. Oh yeah, the things I hate...The fact that I have to buy a new deck every couple of months. I mean, its a good thing, because I play a lot. But man, it sucks havin to do that.
  10. I like his dog. Hamlin has such a nice dog. He is so helpful. Then he eats my face.
  11. So, I was thinking...and I dont know if this has been presented before, but here goes. My new Collodi list. Collodi Marionette x4 Wicked Dolls x10 I just think it would be fun to pull Collodi up the board, then spam the crap out of the bad guys with wicked dolls. It may end in total faliure, but having 15 models on the board...man...
  12. I took a lot of the advice given, and I think it helped out a lot. I am in class right now, so later tonight ill try to post up my Ramos. I didnt use any strait out of the bottle paints, and I did a few coats of really thin paint. I didnt have the best light, so I missed a few things here and there, but I think it turned out rather well. The only thing I have for taking pictures is my phone, so I apologise for that.
  13. To use Fire Gamin, I guess its just player preferance. For me, I just use them to suicide on large groups of baddies. Spam the fire tokens while doing some damage. It frees up Kaeris to do her thing. Also, depending on scenarios, I guess their usefulness can change.
  14. Oh man, sorry Asphy, I hope your getting something out of this!
  15. Eh, I just dont have good luck with the gunsmiths. They do boost kearis and all, but I just dont feel like they hit hard enough. Ill give it a shot though. Maybe I just havent used them correctly.
  16. Oooh. That makes sense. Thats kinda mean.....
  17. Sweet. Now ive got a new list to try out. Although, I might drop the essense to give Ramos two more soul stones....I dunno. Ill have to think about that one.
  18. Thats not a bad idea. To be honest, I have not been super happy with the gunsmiths. I mostly used them to heal kaeris or draw fire. They just dont do so much damage, and there are so many other things out there that can out move and out gun them.
  19. The Ice Golem works pretty well for me. I use him mostly for distraction and softening for Rasputina. And when you stick him with Snow Storm, his mobility makes him better. Usually, he dies, but he dies well. By the time they are done dealing with the cranky Golem, Rasputina is all set up to dish out the rest. Also, his defensive trigger makes him able to go toe to toe with the big hitters like killjoy or mature nephs.
  20. Oh yeah, Fire Gamin with Arcing Screen...Sweet! (Ice Gamin too, if you hit the trigger)
  21. Here is my Raspy list. Rasputina Essense of power - 2ss Silent One - 6ss Snow Storm- 11ss Ice Golem- 9ss Ice Gamin- 4ss Lots of power, lots of aggro to take off Raspy to get her set up. I like it and it leaves you with 7ss to play with. My Kaeris list. Ramos Moble Toolkit - 3ss Kaeris - 8ss Gunsmith - 6ss Fire Gamin X2 - 8ss Mech. Rider - 8ss I run this list, but I have cought a lot of flak for it. People say its too scattered, but I think its versitile enough. Of course, its just an idea. I love Kaeris, but running her as a master, I just feel she is too squishy. I wish I had more SS for this list, but I make do.
  22. Doesnt all this really come down to the player themselves and thier play style? As we watch others play we tend to look and think about the things that we would do. Sure, being versitile is the core to being a hyper competitive player, but everyone seems to think there is a standard way to playing a certain master. Which I find is a terrible way to think. If you decide to play a crew, and you play it the same way every time, you are gonna get got. So, I would say, because there is no master that is ridiculously over powered (minus Hammy, that little bugger) you just have to play what you enjoy and what you feels fit your playstile. But the big question here is WTF is TLDR?
  23. Yah, the problem I have is with its head. I like the design in the wallpaper. Im still going to play the crap outta it though.
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