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Matching bases for a Leveticus crew?


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So I've I've finally decided to play Leveticus, but now the next big question arise "what kind of theme should the bases of my crew have?". I perceive Leveticus as an mostly urban character, sure he seems to be out and about, exploring and gathering swag every now and then but he doesn't strike me as some regular bushwhacker. So, I'm leaning towards more urban themed bases, and since I'm too lazy to do them myself I'll by prefabricated ones in resin. I've prowled the web and found a couple that I fancied, Ill drop the links an a description of why I like them. Opinions and suggestions are welcome (even suggestions of other bases that the ones I've listed)!

1. Cobblestone - Fits the Victorian setting, and with the loose stones and all they gives the impression of a somewhat ruined city.

2. Goth-tech - The name says it all really, and while Leveticus being somewhat techy these does seem a little too "clean". Could easily be fixed with a different paintjob though.

3. & 4. Urban Rubble & Wastelands II - Basically the same bases though the setting varies (urban och "the outback's"-ish). Fits the steampunk-necromancer thing Leveticus got going imo.

I do like all bases, and that's my problem :D (just can't decide!). So thoughts and ideas would be interesting and welcome!

PS. Links fixed DS.

Edited by c0un7_z3r0
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None of your links work for me, so I can't comment on any of your choices.

I can say that I've never used scenic bases before but decided to try the Wyrd ones out and I have to say I'm relly pleased with them. Used the Victorian bases for my Guild of the Living Dead and the Graveyard bases for my Lilith and Neverborn. Will use the Sewer or Orphanage bases for my Outcast crew. I plan on looking at other lines in the future, but for now I plan on using the Wyrd bases for my Wyrd miniatures. 100% Wyrd!

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Yeah, wasteland 2 is really nice! I'm thinking of buying the 25 mm versions for my Scavvies (Necromunda). The reason which dissuades me from taking them is that I'm not sure whether to have a more urban theme or not. I believe that I'm leaning more to the cobblestone-bases, they are pretty, not so much fuzz (which can be both a god or a bad thing), does their job without complaining :), "less is more" simply put. However, but both Urban Rubble and Wasteland II emphasizes the steampunk-zombie-construct-iness Leveticus got going and the same goes for Goth-Tech (kind of)... It's a tough world full of tough decision ;)!

But just some random thoughts from you guys are always welcome!

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