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Kaeris Crew - Turn It Up!


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Here is the first of my Kaeris crew - the female Gunsmith. All the models in this crew will have this colour scheme (orangey-yellow with a bright blue highlight).



The coat is still glossy from the yellow ink I used, but I will knock that down with some Dullcote.

The base is a steampunk base from Kerr & King.

Edited by Sholto
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Thanks :) Hope to get started on her male colleague tonight.

Not sure about that coat, now! I will Dullcote it and then see. I can always gloss it back up again.

BTW - this is not new, but I have decided this model I painted ages ago will go perfectly with Kaeris. She cannot take Totem when leading a crew, but when I take her in a Colette crew she can. So this will be her Essence of Power:


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Blue/orange contrast, eh? Movie-poster crew!

I like it. Can't quite tell of the female gunsmith's coat has painted reflection on it, or it's just your light source doing that (if you DID paint it like that, bravo!). The pistols themselves could use a little sprucing up, however; they seem bland compared to the rest. Perhaps a wooden under slung handle or a touch of brass?

The color transition on the EoP are lovely, as are the glow effects, but the white near the base of the flames seems too harsh. Not something you can really work away from, given the nature of white paint being a fickle mistress, but just an observation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"M&SU Assets - ASSEMBLE!!!"


The bases are not finished yet on the Fire Gamin (a dry brush needed) but other than that the crew are done. Kaeris herself next, and then I have couple of Soulstone Miners coming from Wayland to do next.

The Fire Gamin (pl?) bodies were done in exactly the same way as the Gunsmith's cloaks.

The colouring around the male Gunsmith's face is coming from his goggles - some OSL. Since you cannot see his face due to the model's pose, I thought the OSL was a decent way to draw the eye there and make you want to look more closely :)

The fire on the Fire Gamin has been done so simply it is silly. Initially this was going to be my base for painting the flames, but lazy b****r that I am I have decided to leave it that way:

1. Paint flames white.

2. Wash all over with Yellow Ink.

3. Wash top 2/3 with Orange Tamiya Clear.

4. Wash top 1/3 with Red Tamiya Clear.

Thought/ comments?

(EDIT: dammit - I haven't done the Gamin's teeth yet. Stupid, mumble, mumble)

Edited by Sholto
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Love the look of these models, great idea for the colours (that's right, I'm Canadian) and the skin on the female gunsmith looks phenomenal.

Have you thought about carrying some of the flame on to the gamin's bases as a light source on the pipes? I think it would look really neat and tie the models up really nicely.

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Here we go, first the finished Kaeris and then the whole crew, which includes the totem and two Soulstone Miners:



For Kaeris, I decided not to use washes on her orange cape or on her blue-grey leathers, and instead shaded them by hand. Certainly on the cape it makes for a much better look. I finished the cape off with the usual yellow ink glaze.

To get the crew-wide Ice Blue colour I applied it as a wash in between the vanes of her wings. They look kind of glow-y :)

Here is the whole crew:


@MindofMykk - some OSL added to the Fire Gamin bases :)

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