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Need an all rounder Z list (35ss)


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Hi, I have Zoridia's starter (with the voodoo doll), a convict gunslinger and pandora's starter too. I want to start making an all rounder list for Z that can attend to a good wad of schemes and strategies, but to be honest I have no idea Where to start. I've read on here regarding other peoples lists but they vary so much.

Edit: I own Ophelia and somer's starters too!

Is it worth, for example, buying lillith's starter for the tots/mature? Or the puppet masters, for his dolls? (I can proxy wicked dolls with the little voodoo dolls that came with zoridia anyway).

I know doppelgänger seems useful but also seems fragile, and I know I need a heavy hitter, preferably something that can be obeyed (so juju is kinda out), but not sure what else.

Thanks in advance!

Edited by RitualNet
Forgot Ophelia
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Hi, I have Zoridia's starter (with the voodoo doll), a convict gunslinger and pandora's starter too. I want to start making an all rounder list for Z that can attend to a good wad of schemes and strategies, but to be honest I have no idea Where to start. I've read on here regarding other peoples lists but they vary so much.

Edit: I own Ophelia and somer's starters too!

Is it worth, for example, buying lillith's starter for the tots/mature? Or the puppet masters, for his dolls? (I can proxy wicked dolls with the little voodoo dolls that came with zoridia anyway).

I know doppelgänger seems useful but also seems fragile, and I know I need a heavy hitter, preferably something that can be obeyed (so juju is kinda out), but not sure what else.

Thanks in advance!

I dont use Collodi with Z as its the favoured list, and can't really comment on it beyond knowing it is a good list I have seen and heard of others using well. I prefer more unorthodox lists myself....

I really rate tots. Some think they are fragile- its easy to forget that agility and stealth form part of defence in the real world. I have consistently taken 2-4 in every game except my first with Z and they have never let me down. To me they are not a throw away minion, but a valuable resource. Moving between 10-20 inches a turn ignoring cover, a fantastic df 6 (bearing in mind the cost), able to hold objective, and a Cb 5 with the flay trigger- sure they aren't beatsticks, but they can more than hold their own against similar pointed models, and help board control and grabbing schemes.

I love von schill with her, but he is expensive and needs to be used correctly. I had planned to use him with the brutal effigy...until I realised its a doll SF (which im' not sure is necessary, but hey.

Mature Neph is a great beat stick and can be obeyd- great if used with the tots to gain BC.

Sue looks like a good bet when he comes out-untested but have many plans and high hopes for him.

Hooded rider is great for board control, especially against ranged crews. however, while he hits quite hard in combat he can also be fragile.

I have not had as much success with the twins and stitched (one of my fav minions) but use the later universally with Pandora. However, I like having to use different minions with Z: it makes the game more varied and interesting imo.

Im starting to llike the look of effigies....

Bottom line is that, within reason you can use what you like.

At 35ss I would always take tots as for 9ss thats all the grunt you need (saving say 6ss over 3 sluirid). Then go for at least one if not 2 big hitters, maybe an effigy, and the avatar is a good pick (especially if your opponent regularly uses one!)


3 Tots- 9ss


Von Scill- 10ss

Leaves you with Cache 5 + 8soul stones.

Avatar would leave you with 6 ss. That could grab you some more tots or even an IM, which many rate...

I hope this has been useful. On a final note, I have always wanted to use Teddy-especially with the healing flip a brutal effigy can grant.....

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I'm a Lilith player looking to expand to Zoraida, everything I've read seems to say that the Nephilim (especially the Mature) can make great models for Z too. If you already have Pandora too, picking up Lilith could round out your masters list giving you the right master for any strategy. For that alone I'd probably go Lilith if I were you. Collodi could be great if you wanted to go heavy dolls, but I think Lilith would be best bang for the buck for your total collection.

Just my $0.02

P.S. The Terror Tots are great models for the price, they are dead in one or two hits usually, but keep in mind they have brood, which if you're evil can be used to position your Mature for some carnage. (or if you go Nephilim heavy, your entire army) and if they get flay off they hit really hard for their cost.

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I've been running Z at UK events for the last few months and just came 7th (of 54) in the UKGT with her. My go to list is;

Neverborn Crew - 35 - Scrap

Zoraida, the Hag
5 Pool


Primordial Magic [2ss]

  • Marionette

  • Marionette

  • Marionette

  • Marionette

  • Desperate Mercenary

  • Mature Nephilim

  • Stitched Together

This gives me a strong activation count. Collodi and Mature can act as powerful threats. Desperate Merc and Stitched can also do some damage, especially with obey support. The crew also has access to a lot of speed for objective grabbing.

Hope that helps :)

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My First Neverborn crew was Collodi and I picked up Zoraida so I can make 35SS until the new stuff comes out. For non-Collodi lists I grabbed the Doppleganger who I think is one of the best minions to take with her. Stitched Together are always a solid model to take, and has a good combo with doppleganager and Z (Gamble life with 10 WP is very nice). The Doppleganger can also use repulse to give you entire crew a push forward turn 1 if you copy repuse and Casting expert (you can cast, move cast for 10 inches of pushing)

I grabbed the following because I just liked them


Teddy (also future to be used with widow weaver)

Baby Cade (Teddy teleporter, and cheap Incite/pacify)

But thats for flavour.

Now if you want to make a obey themed list get Hamelin the rat catcher. Between Z, Doppleganger, Voodoo doll and Hameling, your opponent will not be able to plan turn to turn.

The last model I'm looking at picking up is an incideous madness just to make it so opponent can't cheat thier resist flips vs you obeys.

The rest of the stuff im my Z crew will be from other factions. Other models I'm planning on using with her are

War Pig: Turn 1 Obey it half way across the table, them let it reckless and pig charge once its closer to my opponents crews. Worth the Poison 2 for voodoo doll to obey after it goes out of range.

Gun smiths: Solid range

Ophelia crew: I just really find these fun.

Desp mercs: on suicide turn get some nice boosts, Which stay after activation until endo of turn. Hense you can obey them with it.

Bayou Gremlins: cost 3 SS in her crew, but Y'all watch this & Double damage trigger (seperately) are not things to under estimate.

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The doppleganger stitched combo is superb when executed correctly, and collodi definetly seems the competitive option right now.

All the post show how versatile she is.... Mythicfox runs her with Collodi, magicpockets rates slurid when used correctly, while cannon fodder and I seem to favour similar miniatures. The simple truth of it is pick your fav minis and run with it! Sure Z cant obey Teddy, but he is NAILS! Run him with effigies to give him extra df against range and a healing flip per turn, or strip his immunity with another. Take von schill, sue or a gunsmith to give range crews a taste of their own, while collodi, slurid or tots give you board control, while Jack Daw, a mature Neph and the hooded rider are all excellent choices. Then there is weaver, gremlins, nurse and papa loco... the list goes on.

Just pick you fav models and play- thats the true beauty of playing Z!

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