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New to Malifaux - Gremlins, ho!

King Mufasa

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So after a couple games playtesting and failure with the Dreamer, I started looking into crews. The Gremlins have always caught my eye and then I found out about something called a Pigapult.

And I was sold

Unless basing an entire a crew around the pigapult is a terrible idea. And also a few questions

Is the Pigapult a good investment?

Is it better to go pigs or gremlins?

Are gremlins a good beginner crew?

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My boyfriend plays an Ophelia crew, and this is his response to seeing your questions:

Ophelia is a far less unpredictable crew; Pigs are good if you want chaos, and Ophelia gives a more unified team playstyle. If you get any Gremlin crew you'll want Slop Haulers, and if you get Ophelia the Young LaCroix are good. The Pigapult is something I haven't tried yet, but if it looks like fun to you, that's what counts. If you get Somer you can summon a large supply of Bayou Gremlins as ammo for the Pigapult, and with Ophelia you can hurl Pere Ravage across the field to explode right in your opponents faces.

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Gremlins are an expensive crew $$$-wise, but they are tons of fun for people who are not shy of wallet or who have a lot of patience (slow grow).

Whether it's good to go pigs or gremlins really depends on the strategy. Gremlins are more solid, but pigs and pig ladders can do wonderful things for getting objectives. The trick with Som'er is always remembering that he can transition to the Gremlin Gunline later if he needs to, and giving him the tools he needs to do so. Also note that both pigs and gremlins are effectively a different strategy.

Pigapult lists can work very well against lists not immune to blasts somehow. At 35ss I would consider something like...

Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap

Som'er Teeth Jones
2 Pool

1 Giant Mosquito [2ss]

Ophelia Lacroix

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Gremlin Taxidermist

  • Pigapult

  • Slop Hauler

  • Stuffed Piglet

Rely on Som'er and the Taxidermist to keep pumping out stuffed Piglets every turn. Spawn Bayou Gremlins to go after objectives and set themselves into position to be targeted by a Pigapult (3 Damage 5 Blasts ftw!). Ophelia helps to keep the gremlins in line, while the Slop Hauler keeps your summoning station healthy.

This does rely on getting a crow each turn, killing Bayou Gremlins as necessary to draw them. If it's a low crow, Som'er uses his Pig-Sticker. If it's a 6 or better, than just use "Git Your Bro" on a wounded Gremling to kill it, letting the Taxidermist use its corpse.

You can fit in Pere Ravage by replacing 2 Bayou Gremlins.

Edited by SoulG
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So after a couple games playtesting and failure with the Dreamer, I started looking into crews. The Gremlins have always caught my eye and then I found out about something called a Pigapult.

And I was sold

Unless basing an entire a crew around the pigapult is a terrible idea. And also a few questions

Is the Pigapult a good investment?

Is it better to go pigs or gremlins?

Are gremlins a good beginner crew?

Gremlins are a great crew (either Ophelia who has the easier learning curve or Some'r who has a lot more versatility).

Basing a crew around the Pigapult can be done (best with Some'r as Ophelia cant take pigs on her own) however it will be pretty predictable in playstyle.

The Pigapult is great fun but really favors a compulsory build with Some'r rather then Ophelia (since he can regenerate the models that fuel it, where as Ophelia cant).

Pig or Gremlin heavy is always a neat question, the easy answer is go big. Some'r is a lot like Nicodem in terms of model count (at the least I would recommend in addition to the Some'r crew box; 2 Skeeters, 1 blister of Bayou Gremlins, and a blister of Piglets, Blister of Slop Haulers). This will give you the versatility to run most of Some'rs crew builds. Ophelia is easier; Lacroix box set, slop haulers blister, Young lacroix blister, blister of Bayou Gremlins.

Gremlins can be a good beginner crew (in the case of Ophelia) or a difficult one (in the case of Some'r). I recommend you take a look at Pull My Finger Wiki Tactica before making your final decision (just read up on the Masters as a lot of the individual models are still blank).

Good luck and welcome to the clan.

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