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A Little Bit Of Halloween

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Well, first off, thanks to Wyrd for providing some good concept art and inspiration for a costume this year. I'm not much of a tailor, so I'll freely admit that this particular costume could use quite a bit of work, but I think I got the general idea fairly well.

So, may as well ask; anyone else see any good costumes? Spent most of my time in this DJing at a party, so I didn't get to wander the streets too much, but I certainly had a fun time. Though the number of times I had to say "Short story; evil puppet. Long story; I'm a huge nerd, and here's this great game" to the question of what the hell I was dressed as got absurd as the night went on.


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Cool costume, very creepy puppet indeed! Are the extra arms attached to your real ones somehow?

Yup, the arms were a nice crowning point on this costume.

Construction-wise, they started out as a 'skeleton' of PVC pipe, jointed twice at the 'shoulder' and the elbow joint using pipe caps and wall hooks, which were bent closed. The whole assembly was attached to my body using a harness, which had the joint for the 'shoulder' portion attached to it.

Two wires were attached to each arm, in the center of each segment through a pair of drilled holes and secured with a bit of epoxy. The upper portion of the lower arm is attached directly to the sleeve of the upper arm. The lower segment of the arm is controlled by another wire, which has a loop that slips over a finger.

Working on a bit of an improvement on the lower arm controls; the wire loops tended to slip and sting like hell, so I'm going to attach rings to it. Fortunately, I kept them by my side most of the evening, as I needed to use my hands.

Building this was fun, especially the hands. Might work on building some properly-jointed fingers as I continue to improve this particular costume.

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