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Building a Kaeris Crew ... (WIP)


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When Powers came out, the Kaeris art looked great...

and I remember saying I'd get back into the tournament scene if the model matched the art...

it does, so now I need to build my crew...

thankfully, I've already started, and should soon have pics of the whole lot here...

for now, a teaser... of "Injun Joss... the superchief" (if you like old cartoons...)


Finally, the Kaeris model... I needed something that would say "I fight by throwing chaotic bits of fire from my fingers...." I think I nailed it...



Edited by Mr_Smigs
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next are the gunslingers.... (I debated giving them feline ears for the terrible reference... but not so much...)

I'm actually considering building a Gamin-Free Kaeris set by replacing them with Miners and Johan... Possibly with Iggy (have an Anima model to proxy there) to help spread the Burning love around...

eventually, I'll be getting a second Kaeris to do in an alternate scheme (red/brown coat, with blue/yellow underneath), but that'll replace the backpack with a rocket pack for a more Flash Gordon feel... (I actually have a stockpile of rocket packs... )

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....Quite frankly I'm loving the Jubalee idea with Kaeris (at least im pretty sure what you were going for) bravo as always Smigs, Joss is lookin mighty good as well.

im loving the jubalee as well, i might have to steal that idea as well if thats alright with you. great looking crew so far

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