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PS3 or Xbox360?

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What's the criteria? This is far to broad a question otherwise and rather unfair.

If you want just pure system specs, they are nearly tied now with a slight edge to the PS3. But Xbox Live trumps Sony Online in almost every way save you have to pay for it. Both systems have mega hit titles exclusive to them and as they are both approaching their golden years they are becoming very very even. Their differences are becoming smaller day by day and its nearly impossible to have a discussion like this without fan mentality kicking in.

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I had an X-Box 360 longer and I play most games on it. Mostly because I have more online friends there.

I have a PS3 that I refurbished myself. When its working I primarily use it as a movie player since PS3 play Blu-ray, play a lot more types of files via USB and can hook up to a DLNA server.

Also I don't need to pay a premium to use my PS3 for Netflix like I do on my 360(You need a Live Gold membership)

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oh, you want more?


Thats reason enough.

Unless you like crappy exclusive games, having the online part go down constantly and having you bank account details stolen. Then you should go with the PS3 :D

plus, dont you have to pay for the PS3 online part? I know yes you pay for xbox GOLD.. but you get free silver account which means you can download demos/videos for free.. I seem to remember hearing you have to pay for PS3 just to get demos?

Edited by Regnak
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Gears of War is fun, and that's from me, a person that normally hates shooters, lol.

If you go by the UK. The 360 is cheaper, the games are often come down in price sooner and I prefer the online system (even if you have to pay to make the most of it). The security is also pretty damn good. Saying that though, the security for other Microsoft products isn't always as good (looking at you Hotmail and Messenger...) and leaving much to be desired.

PS3 is more expensive for the initial buy in, though it does have Blu-ray (and some people I know are always having that mess up whilst still inside warranty), the game take longer to come down in price but can eventually become cheaper. However, their online security has been hacked more than once and to some extent thousands of people have fallen victim to fraudsters because of it.

There is also personal preference of games. I find there are far more games for me on the 360 than there are on the PS3, but that's personal. In fact that is also the largest factor anyone should consider in voting which console is better. You can buy the console you think that's best, but it's no good if all the games you want to play are on another system! :P

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Why would anyone play gears over the ultramarines game. ultramarines is baisiy the same, minus the cover based shooting, has more colours than brown (not that much more) and doesn't have terrible proportion of people that gears does

?! You are saying that why would anyone play the Gears of War trilogy when theres the Space Marine game instead?! HAve you played the SpaceMarine game? Orks shouting "SPACEMARINES" every 10seconds... I'd say its more like that have taken gears of war and put a gamesworkshop skin over it and quickly drawn up another generic half arse 40k story. That and you have to play those freaking blue poster boys. Not even the Ultramarines want to be Ultramarines! Yeah the worlds and characters might look nice but its not a patch on the Gears trilogy story/characters. Can I just ask, have you played all 3 gears games all the way through?

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Ok, haven't played them all the way through, only, I'm poor and i wanted portal 2 more. The gears games are just very generic, the generic cover based shooting, generic colours, brown otherwise, generic auto gain health. What makes the space marines game different is, the only way to gain health is by killing Orcs. Shifting the focus of the from hiding after evertime you take a hit to constantly shifting between melee and ranged attacks.

Also if want to play as a big bulky space marine, you might as well play as the real deal

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Haha the ultimate question. I personally love the Playstation 3 over every other system out there especially the XBox360. Granted I do own and XBox, but I don't play it as often as my PS3. I play maybe Left4Dead and that's it because I can't get it on the PS3.

I love the games the graphics and the BluRay for my system.

But if you were to walk up to me at GameStop and ask that question it's a whole different ball game.

There's the exclusives to think about, the community that you want to play with for certain games such as Call of Duty because every one knows that the bigger community is on the XBox hands down. And it's always going to be that way no matter what.

If you're going for shooters it's the Xbox.

If you're going for RPG it's going to be PS3.

But for me, definitely the PS3 all the way. Wouldn't give it up for anything.

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ps3 has the more powerful system and will far outlast xbox . For online play my ps3 never lags , I cant say the same for xbox ( I play often at my sisters) . Plus ps3 has less scum bag racism filled kids on the mics by far . Ps3 is free for online play period . You can pay for a premium which gets you free downloads and swag . They both have awesome exclusives .

And hackers could have hacked anyone of the platforms with the tech and personal that was used at that time .

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