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Question to Wyrd


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I just sold my Warmachine battlefoam bag and army.

I was very happy with my bag becouse there was room for alot of mini's. But im not playing Warmachine anymore... Only Malifaux.

And then i thought well why not buy a Malifaux battlefoam bag. And i did...

Just came with the post today....

It looks nice and all if you only had minis from wave 1... The bag is SOOOOO small, i dont have room for all my minis...

So here is the question to you Eric/Nathen/sKeTCH co.

Will you be making a new MKII battlefoam bag anytime soon ? That has room for more than just a starter crew ??

I cant be the only one that would like a bigger Wyrd/Malifaux bag...

My girlfriend looked at me holding my Malifaux bag and ROFL becouse she thinks it looks more like a beautybox...

Isnt it enough that i play with dolls/figs... Do i really have to carry them in a beautybox ?

Please think about it, i think its time to make a bag for the fans that has enough wyrd metal to build a bridge from EU to US so we can come to GenCon next year...

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Isnt it enough that i play with dolls/figs... Do i really have to carry them in a beautybox ?

lol. is it at least in your color?

if I bought bags I would give a :+fate

but I have some awesome cases that were "appropriated" from a local hospital (they were going to the trash anyway) that were used for expensive instruments. So I'll never buy a bag.

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My girlfriend looked at me holding my Malifaux bag and ROFL becouse she thinks it looks more like a beautybox...

Isnt it enough that i play with dolls/figs... Do i really have to carry them in a beautybox ?

Dolls? Please. These are toy soldiers, not dolls.

This should make you feel better- I own a bunch of 1/6th scale figures (military, spy-themed, Matrix, Ghost in the Shell, Metal Gear Solid, Jin-Roh Panzer Brigade cops, John Belushi as Samurai from SNL, etc etc). Those are dolls. Dolls of badasses with lots of guns and swords, but still...

At one point someone was talking to me about running a 1/6 scale game of Necromunda. That could've been fun.

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@ Tumling: why not see if Romeo at Battlefoam will put a Malifaux badge on a Warmachine bag?

@dsmiles: I used to go the cheap route too, but i got real tired of the GW foam breaking my minis. Also, other brands of foam hold twice as much in a similar sized bag, which beats out buying two GW cases.

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@ Tumling: why not see if Romeo at Battlefoam will put a Malifaux badge on a Warmachine bag?

I dont think that would be legal

I can sympathise. My fiancee has taken to calling my minis "Man-Barbies".

My daughter has some barbies... maybe i can make some belles out of them :D

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I have a BF Malifaux bag and am really happy with my purchase. I actually did put just a starting box in it and it just looked pitiful with all those empty slots.

Now I have more stored in there and don't see myself growing beyond the one bag anytime soon. I guess if I did I could get one per faction (or one per 2 factions) as there is plenty of space for just about everything Wyrd makes.

I'm pretty sure you can also get custom trays for your bag through BF's custom tray creator.

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I swapped the 2" pluck foam in the Malifaux bag to 2 x 1" C4 trays and currently the bag contains 7 crews at minimum 35ss, plus the main Puppet Wars minis and the multiplayer expansion. The bag also has all accessories for both games in it. And yeah, it weighs a ton lol, but now it doubles as personal protection in the dangerous parts of town!

It would be cool to see more options for Malifaux bags. Right now when I need to go more portable, I use the Battlefoam C4 bag which is fully compatible, and I would love to see it in red/black/brown with a Puppet Wars label on it. Same goes for the larger P.A.C.K. bags- would love the option for the Malifaux/Wyrd label on those too.

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Sorry, but I personally think your over exaggerating the situation. Malifaux is a skirmish game and your comparing a bag built for it to bags intended for games with whole armies. What possible size game would you be playing hat could not fit at least 2-3 crews in the bag? If your wanting to carry entire collection in same bag then once again dont compare it to other games. How many complete, full size forces could you get in a Warmachine bag? How many full armies in a GW bag? Its all relative.

Is there a few things I disagree with in the design? Sure, but at same time it does its purpose and I dont regret shelling out the cash for it.

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I guess if I did I could get one per faction (or one per 2 factions) as there is plenty of space for just about everything Wyrd makes.

That is what I am doing.......Ressers and Neverborne in one......Guild, Arcanists, and Outcasts in the other. But if I need to go to a 3rd bag because I outgrew the first two, I will probably use the 3rd bag for 40 mm and 50 mm based minis and buy additional trays for the 30 mm guys.

Sorry, but I personally think your over exaggerating the situation. Malifaux is a skirmish game and your comparing a bag built for it to bags intended for games with whole armies. What possible size game would you be playing hat could not fit at least 2-3 crews in the bag? If your wanting to carry entire collection in same bag then once again dont compare it to other games. How many complete, full size forces could you get in a Warmachine bag? How many full armies in a GW bag? Its all relative.

Is there a few things I disagree with in the design? Sure, but at same time it does its purpose and I dont regret shelling out the cash for it.

Excellent Point!!!!

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I use my overpriced GW 40k box. I cut open a few slots to make room for larger based minis.

I also have an old GW case that has all my Malifaux, Hordes & Infinity stuff in, with plenty of room left over for when i eventually get round to picking up all the shinies i want. And believe me, the list is loooooong.... curse you Wyrd for being so gorram awesome!!

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I guess its all about what you want a bag for.

Personally I love the Malifaux bag. I play Guild primarily and I can fill it with almost all my guild models plus a demo crew of another faction for my henchman work.

Sure it can't carry all my Malifaux models but I have never needed every one of my models at the game store or at a tournament.

Instead what I have done is started buying custom cut foam to fit my models and I just swap out the foam when I want to bring specific crews.

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