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SPOILER ALERT: Twisting Fates 'Tina fluff, WTF?


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So when did 'Tina go mental and start eating people? Don't get me wrong, I like how she's turning into this super-hard mega bitch instead of succumbing to Big D entirely, I just get the feeling I missed something.

It also makes me really wish the alternate 'tina sculpt was more like in the 'Cold Heart' story, (instead of this new flying 'tina, which in my mind makes no sense) all half naked and caked in blood. Yummy!

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So when did 'Tina go mental and start eating people? Don't get me wrong, I like how she's turning into this super-hard mega bitch instead of succumbing to Big D entirely, I just get the feeling I missed something.

It also makes me really wish the alternate 'tina sculpt was more like in the 'Cold Heart' story, (instead of this new flying 'tina, which in my mind makes no sense) all half naked and caked in blood. Yummy!

Before book 1.

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Personally, I loved it. I loved the hints and pieces we were given in Twisting Fates as to her past (especially the bit about the dancing) and, along with the bits and pieces they mentioned in the first book (how she apparently murdered her child, which was how she ended up in Malifaux) I think it's actually a logical progression...although certainly not an A>B progression. There's a bit more to what's going with her certainly, but the stress on her psyche from the Cult of December and seeing what happened to the Silent Ones, along with having December sharing her mind...it does make sense.

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I'll second that, but expand it:


Twisting Fates was a great read because it illuminated a lot of characters that have been on the sidelines, particularly for the Arcanists. Marcus, Myranda, and Joss received a lot more "screen time" than they have previously (I actually can't remember reading anything of substance for Myranda or Joss previously,) and it was really cool to get a little more depth for those characters.

Plus, Twisting Fates sowed some seeds that, Tyrant shenanigans aside even, will lead to really interesting stories in the next book. The three original Masters got all of their stories shaken up a bit, and it should be really interesting to see what the effects of that are moving forward.

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She wasn't mental in book 1, she was just a nice wee lassie running away and looking for something. Then she turns up a bit in book 2 (I think) and then suddenly she goes all radge!

If ever there were to be a Malifaux novel, I'd want it to be 'tina (or Seamus).

right... totally not mental... just hearing voices and trying to summon the destroyer of worlds...

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So when did 'Tina go mental and start eating people? Don't get me wrong, I like how she's turning into this super-hard mega bitch instead of succumbing to Big D entirely, I just get the feeling I missed something.

It also makes me really wish the alternate 'tina sculpt was more like in the 'Cold Heart' story, (instead of this new flying 'tina, which in my mind makes no sense) all half naked and caked in blood. Yummy!

Wait the head of a cannibalistic cult is a cannibal

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She wasn't mental in book 1, she was just a nice wee lassie running away and looking for something. Then she turns up a bit in book 2 (I think) and then suddenly she goes all radge!

If ever there were to be a Malifaux novel, I'd want it to be 'tina (or Seamus).

Yeah. You asked in your first post if you missed something. I'm not being snarky. I'm being serious. Yes. You did. There's some pretty solid hints that something in her past led her to be here: as a convict brought over to work off her time. And the minute she gets here the biggest, most awakened Tyrant looks right at her and says, "Hey, I want this one."

What did she do to get here.

Why does December - the Tyrant consumer, voracious and all that, choose her?

Then go to book 2 when she's up on the mountain. Some hints that she's not happy about the Priests and what they did. She knocks December aside and into the girls that she's kind of fond of without mercy or hesitation.

She's a bit on the unhinged side all along.

Before Book 1.

What you're seeing just might be us revealing what you were supposed to be seeing all along but we all have our own vision of what different characters act and look like so it can sometimes be jarring.

Zoraida reveals might have been jarring.

Others in this vein, too.

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You weren't being chastised. Voice is lost on the internet.

Very calmly and with good will: Something's been 'wrong' with Rasputina since her inception. She cannot even remember everything she's been through. Some great trauma. Might even be an extension of December's will and/or great manipulation. The truth isn't completely known by anyone right now.

So she's lost and confused in Book I and knows she's about to be Faye Ray to King Kong and escapes in a wild hullabulloo. She seeks refuge in a place that kind of worships and fears what she's supposed to become and sees them as greater monsters than anything. She tries to shake things loose and in Book 2, there's a lot of hinting that she's on her own but she's sort of freed the girls that have been severely abused at the hands of the Priests but cannot fully deal with everything because December shows up.

Book 3 you see her dealing with everything at once. The Priests need a lesson. Their deaths fuel her in a way she's kind of learned from the Tyrant December and the Event. The absorption and [kind of] storage of souls in lieu of soulstones.

But girlfriend is trippin'. It's been building up since the beginning. Getting bigger. Out of her hands. She's my Job (biblical ref).

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Huh. Never thought of her as Job. Makes me a bit sad for her now...

...dude, you so need to write novels for this. I'm just predicting a sad lacking of 'Tina in book four, and two years of waiting to see what happens is going to make me one sad, sad fan of the ice queen...

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