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What *IS* Malifaux?


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So, I have been thinking for a while, and the end of book 3 (spoilers... as if you dont have it yet!) with Sonnia figuring out the circle pattern around the Breach...

I think its something like Ravenloft.

Some sort of personal mini-torment/hell for those who are trapped in it.

With the governor trapped in as the (forget the ravenloft term for it... what was Strahd?) lord of the "realm" which also punishes him. He has it all, but can never control it the way he wants.


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Am I the only one getting a time-travel vibe from the fluff?

I'm starting to wonder if we have a case of either circular time or that the breach is a time portal and Malifaux is in fact a future Earth. It could go some way to explaining the hybrid neverborn/human corpses and Ramos' 'signature' appearing on ancient machinery. The hybrid is a transitional form of humanity on the way to evolving in to the neverborn due to the influence of magic and the 'signature' is either an example of Ramos' work that survived or his students.

It very neatly explains the appearance of the Neverborn and their links to Earth mythology.

It might also explain Sonja's reaction to the info on Cherufe she found but I think that is probably just the Tyrant's influence.

I also like the possibility it raises that the Tyrants are not only connected to the known characters but are in fact them once their power evolves.

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