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How do they stack up against the 'Faux?

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Combat Style... this was actually a big concern of theirs,

in Helldorado and Infinity combat have active defender,

when you attack (specifically in melee) an enemy model, the opposed roll can result in the attacker taking damage as well.

this does change the strategy notably from "get the Alpha Strike" to "manage damage mitigation" when planning for the turn.

Yes, but in the case of Infinity the attacker still has an advantage in that they are still rolling more attacks and can control when the attack happens. I am always, as the attacker, going to try and keep myself in a range and situation where I get a bonus to my target number and they take a penalty to theirs. With hell dorado each attack sequence is only modified by temporary conditions, but that conditions do not have a huge impact individually. Now if you can stack a bunch of temporary conditions then you really see a huge impact in the combat outcome.

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Yes, but in the case of Infinity the attacker still has an advantage in that they are still rolling more attacks and can control when the attack happens. I am always, as the attacker, going to try and keep myself in a range and situation where I get a bonus to my target number and they take a penalty to theirs. With hell dorado each attack sequence is only modified by temporary conditions, but that conditions do not have a huge impact individually. Now if you can stack a bunch of temporary conditions then you really see a huge impact in the combat outcome.

true. and in both there are models that get to resolve before their opponent.

It just felt worth mentioning because the player brought it up...

basically, his comment was

"Generally, in Helldorado, you will never move a model into position at the beginning of the game just to have the enemy one-shot it. You never get the feeling you just wasted the points to buy a model because it never did anything." (This came right after a viki slingshot combo aced two of his grunts who'd only moved to hold position.)

and the same is true in Infinity, what with AROs and all.

and in reality, i can think of cases for both where that's not true, but those involve specialty models that'll get splattered immediately if they're not properly supported..

Edited by Mr_Smigs
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Along the same line any one have any exp with Bushido. I love the look of the cult faction.

I picked up two starters because the price was right. I have yet to play a game until they get painted. The quality of the minis was nice (blows Malifaux out of the water IMHO) and the rules look quick and brutal.

There are some confusing things as this is a Euro game, but I am willing to learn.

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On Bushido....

The quality of the minis was nice (blows Malifaux out of the water IMHO)

Strongly disagree. They're nice, especially the newer ones, but blow Mali out of the water? IMO, I think not.

Have two starters, friend has one. Game is fast and brutal and there is a nice feature where when initiate an attack, the opponent actually gets to fight back. Unfortunately, the combat seems a little too random....I've already seen a few times your best melee guy, all buffed up like the Hulk, just bounce off and get wounded or killed in return.

Haven't played it in a while after that happened.

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Long, long time player, started early 90`s with GW and have passed through, PP, Rackham, spartan, dp9, FF and some others.

As all of us here, have spent ridiculous amounts of money in games, and recently (say 1 year ago) i stopped drastically (lots of good games out there)

After playing several systems, i ended up with Malifaux and Infinity. Infinity is FOR ME, the best tabletop game in the market, everybody talk about the difficult rules, but honestly, if you have played miniatures games, you`ll get the rules really fast if you go little by little, the ARO feature is just fantastic and makes the game real, hand to hand combat is scarce and brutal, mistakes cost hard at the end.

Malifaux is my 2nd, what a fun game to play! i love the fluff, theme, miniatures, and the schemes and strategies are simply the cherry of the cake.

I know the post was for Anima tactics, hell dorado, FB fate and infinity, but i feel the need to add another game to the mix.

Most people think that this game is a board game that is played with the cardboard characters that come in the box, but the game have some of the coolest minis out there, and with a few twists here and there, you can make an amazing skirmish table top.

I want to strongly recommend OKKO, is a very tactical samurai vs demons game, facing is key to the game, it also have a feature that i love, in order to use the characters special abilities, you have to trigger them with elemental dice (that come in the box) this dice you can use them in your turn or save them for later, giving the game a fresh tactical approach. Is scenario based with 4/5 miniatures per team.

If you try it you wont regret it, we use miniatures from OKKO and from other games like bushido and alkemy and for demons you can use hell dorado, we even use the necron c`tans from WH40K.


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I am not sure if this is still true but all the stats are only in the basic box set. You do not need the models to play the game, there are cardboard cutouts that you can use. I may be off a bit, I have had this game for a while but have not read the rule book or opened the box for a long time, so there could be a change in format with new troops added.

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I've been debating infinity to fill my sci-fi slot in tabletop games. What kinda points do they scale at? ie how many points for a small battle, average battle, large battle?

Small (starter box) 150 points... about 6 models...

Normal 250 - 350 points ... about 8 - 15 models...

Tournaments vary...

it's one of the ones that has attacker/defender lists (where defender has fewer points)

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