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Fast, Slow, Spellbreaker



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I keep wanting to post a question, but this thread has me all topsy turvy, but here I will try...may sound like rambling.

So fast and slow can "stack" as up until they take effect, to the +1/-1 AP effect does not stack?

So no real issue unless you are trying to dispel magic, because you would have to eliminate all the "stacks" of slow before they take effect?

If thats how that works, is that a precedent with only fast/slow? or Would it work on say Poison (i.e. I stack 5 cases of poison 2 on a model, but since they don't take effect until the start of that model's activation the "stacks" stay for dispelling purposes only? so you would need 5 dispells to avoid the damage?) Or does this ruling only apply to the Fast/Slow field?

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Akujie, No, we're safe there. Pg 117 spells it out clearly. It states that the poison # replaces the smaller poison #.

To extrapolate from that: If you have a poison 3 on the model, and an instance of poison 2, you look at them both, the poison 3 replaces the poison 2, stays on the model, and the other poison 2 is discarded. Then when the model activates it suffers three wounds, sheds on poison counter, and moves on.

It seems that replace is the pivotal word in that rule.

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Poision 2 is an instant effect. When it is applied it will check the model and if the model has less than 2 poision token on it, it wil make the number up to two. If there are more than 2 poision tokens it does nothing. The effect doesn't last long enough for you to ever stack.

Spellbreaker removes poision tokens, not the poision effect.

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