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Zoraida and big boomers


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wel somebody had the funny idee to try and use papa loco and pere ravage in 1 zoraida list,

even though pere ravage and papa loco actually are big enemies, this could be somethin funny to try :)

any thoughts?

It's hilarious to be honest :D You just Obey the pair of them from her and the Doll and watch them rocket up the board. Give them some Silurid support or something and it's rather dangerous actually. Not the most competitive list in the world, but it is really funny to see peoples faces as they puzzle out the list and suddenly realizing Zoraida's ship... is dragging Mines :D

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It's hilarious to be honest :D You just Obey the pair of them from her and the Doll and watch them rocket up the board. Give them some Silurid support or something and it's rather dangerous actually. Not the most competitive list in the world, but it is really funny to see peoples faces as they puzzle out the list and suddenly realizing Zoraida's ship... is dragging Mines :D

i can understand that it's not very competitive list since at least 2 of your models WILL die :D but those are one of those funny lists ^^ and its priceless to see your opponent his face :D

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i can understand that it's not very competitive list since at least 2 of your models WILL die :D but those are one of those funny lists ^^ and its priceless to see your opponent his face :D

I'm not sure that it's not competitive given the right scenarios. I've seen it played before in a few incarnations and I dont see any reason why it's less valid than any other tactic - I think you just need to have it with the right strats/schemes/whatever.

Playing a lot of Zoraida is a fair way off for me but I'm looking forward to giving this a go, I did it with Perdita a few times when I was a newbie and it seemed decent given proper application (and Perdita managing to flip a ******* mask)

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I'm not sure that it's not competitive given the right scenarios. I've seen it played before in a few incarnations and I dont see any reason why it's less valid than any other tactic - I think you just need to have it with the right strats/schemes/whatever.

Playing a lot of Zoraida is a fair way off for me but I'm looking forward to giving this a go, I did it with Perdita a few times when I was a newbie and it seemed decent given proper application (and Perdita managing to flip a ******* mask)

give the right scenarios yes :)

but i think this is a list you will use against a friend to try it :) and not something you will use in tourneys :)

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Thats basically what I meant by it heh. Since people have such a high opinion of NB "competitive" lists, it doesn't stack up compared to those.

But it certainly is a fun list to play and I've personally put it down on the table a few times. Especially if your running the Doppelganger to for the 3 Obey's a turn, it's almost surprising how fast those two can get up board. Just gotta watch out for incoming gunfire.

If you wanted to have some fun in a brawl, combine it with the Pandora Nuke list and you can make a ton of self exploding buddies. Turning Sorrows into explosives is one of Natty's best ideas.

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Add Ophelia and Rami (toshoot him in a compaanion chain for the last boom)

Also, the thread title made me think of something else that Z is infamous for :hmmmm:

yeah i know :P i reread the post and i thought the same thing :)

and what should that be??

cmon black, are you kiddin me?

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