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"Place" in regards to Hamelin and Levi



I've been trying to figure out this rule for a few hours now...

It was brought up in a different thread regarding Hamelin, but was never answered.

So...When you Place Levi or Hamelin at their respective spawn points, do they heal wounds? Because as far as I know...the effects say place "This Model" and those models are already dead and at 0 wounds. As far as I can tell, dying does not suddenly restore all lost wounds.:confusedpuppet1

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Gonna have to agree a bit with Gensuke that this is a bit of a poor write in the rules. Why is it that these fellows are "placed" as totally new models because they died, but a buried model is "placed" as it was when they left the board?

I suppose the argument is that it's the manner of their removal from play that dictates how they return, but I still say it's confusing.

I reckon it would have been easier to understand if they had been said to be summoned instead.

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Gonna have to agree a bit with Gensuke that this is a bit of a poor write in the rules. Why is it that these fellows are "placed" as totally new models because they died, but a buried model is "placed" as it was when they left the board?

I suppose the argument is that it's the manner of their removal from play that dictates how they return, but I still say it's confusing.

I reckon it would have been easier to understand if they had been said to be summoned instead.

Though summoned has other implications with it. Including the fact that if Hamelin and/or Leveticus died within 6" of a Ratcatcher or Hamelin then Voracious rats kicks in and stops them from respawning, making Hamelin's rule useless for himself.

As it stands it seems that the explanation I gave to my friend when she started playing Kirai stands for Hamelin and Levi "We place them from a Quantum Existence Shelf. It's a new instance of the same model."

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just read the fluff by Soulless life (Levi's scheme)

"There's a great power in death. Coming back once you know how to do it isn't the problem. It's the going that's such a bear."

So he dies, and comes back from the dead, think Dragonballlike, or see it as a time lord regeneration where he uses his waifs as tennant uses his hand to place restover regeneration energy.

As for Hamelin I imagine something similar would happen :)

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just read the fluff by Soulless life (Levi's scheme)

"There's a great power in death. Coming back once you know how to do it isn't the problem. It's the going that's such a bear."

So he dies, and comes back from the dead, think Dragonballlike, or see it as a time lord regeneration where he uses his waifs as tennant uses his hand to place restover regeneration energy.

As for Hamelin I imagine something similar would happen :)

Fluff doesn't equal rules. If it did Seamus would be able to summon a heck of a lot more than just Belles and there would be a heck of a lot more Cross Faction hiring.

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When hamlin and levi are removed from play, they are also removed from the game. Its not the removal from play that resets them to fresh, but the removal from the game. Thus, when they are "placed," the only way to do that is to place a new model, one that has never before been in the game.

A buried model is set aside as is with all effects and statuses intact. That is why they keep their wounds when "placed" back in play.

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