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Malifaux: the RPG?


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Wow...this is totally a thread I didn't expect to ever see again. Which is weird cause I got a PM from someone interested in seeing my notes from the LAST RPG thread that went long. (BTW, sorry to whoever it was that PM'd me. I wasn't able to find my notes. I think I deleted them...then Gencon hit and I got swept up in Avatar induced Madness.)

That said...I thought that the Wyrd system with cards worked fine for most things. If you keep combats fairly short and brutal (Say...6 to 10 rounds for a good fight) then the mechanics aren't so bad.

Generally I was more concerned with players being able to outdraw a GM (I like Rules Tyrant, so RT from here on out) if we emulate the Table Top system entirely....

So in my mind the way that combat worked was as such:

At the start of every turn all of the players flip Initiative individually. The RT flips initiative once for all NPCs.

If the RT Flips higher than the players, he activates one NPC, then activates an NPC after each player activates until all of the NPCs have been activated. Once all of the players have activated, any remaining NPCs are activated in an order of the RT's choosing.

Any players who flip higher than the RT go before the RT's first NPC, then the turn continues as normal.

If a player and the RT tie on initiative flips, they Reflip to determine priority, but otherwise they use the first card as their initiative.

Combat actions run like Malifaux and can either be Narrative or Minis based combat as the group prefers. Generally all distances are in Yards and 1 yard = 1 inch for Minis based conversions.

At the end of the turn the RT reshuffles his discards into his deck and discards any cards he likes before he draws to his hand limit of 6. The players do not.

If they players wish to refresh their hand and their deck they must take a Refocus (All) action. This lets them reshuffle their discards, discard unwanted cards and refill their hand.

The other way to refresh a Deck is to simply exhaust it. Once a deck is empty, you shuffle the discards into a new deck.


The reason that I think combat should run this way is because of something a friend of mine asked when we were discussing possibly making a Malifaux RPG.

He basically noted that as the players are all going to have their own fate deck (something I want to be part of the potential game) and only be responsible for one character, wouldn't that mean that they can throw around big cards with nearly reckless abandon since they don't have to worry about minions.

All they would need to worry about is their Master, essentially, while the RT would have as only as many cards in his hand as any one player and would need to be responsible for at least 3 times as many characters.

Basically, He looked at the same scenario as Jonas has and said "I think it'll be too easy for the players to overpower the GM"

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I've had to frequently design gaming systems for myself and my crew of RPGers.

One system i developed used dice for regular in game actions but players drew several cards from a tarot deck at the start of the game. Each card did something specific that could be played by the players during the course of the game.

You may want to consider that. Each player draws a single hand that lasts him the whole game and can play cards during game or save them for character advancement afterward. Dice are used for in game play.

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(Castle Falkenstein's mechanic works much more like a die roll than the way Malifaux uses cards. It's not a bad system, but isn't as...robust...as the Fate Deck is)

That's absolutely true, and thats why I didn't recommend that people should re-fluff Falkenstein as a Malifaux game. A Malifaux rpg really has to be tailored from the ground up.

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That's absolutely true, and thats why I didn't recommend that people should re-fluff Falkenstein as a Malifaux game. A Malifaux rpg really has to be tailored from the ground up.

I wouldn't say ground up. There are certain aspects of other games that can be incorporated into a fairly good functioning game.

I know when I last tried to design a homebrew system, I looked at 7th sea as the basis for the character sheet and style of growth. Classless system with 1-5 ratings for 5 basic stats and a large range of skills. To be this translated fairly well into the 1-10 ratings of the malifaux TT game (Because I have yet to see CB, DF, or WP above 10 without some kind of buffing magic or something similar)

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The problem with an RPG for a minis company is it isn't very cost effective. A minis company makes money by, unsurprisingly, selling minis. The books drive the sales of minis and in many cases are a loss leader. The time and allocation of resources by Wyrd to an RPG is the same as the time and allocation of resources to a new Malifaux book but whereas the latter is designed to sell minis the former does not. It's further compounded by the fact that whilst people will buy their own copy of a rulebook for a minis game an RPG group will often make do with one or two copies between them so you don't even sell as many books. There's a reason GW franchise out WFRP and the 40K RPG's to other companies.

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The problem with an RPG for a minis company is it isn't very cost effective. A minis company makes money by, unsurprisingly, selling minis. The books drive the sales of minis and in many cases are a loss leader. The time and allocation of resources by Wyrd to an RPG is the same as the time and allocation of resources to a new Malifaux book but whereas the latter is designed to sell minis the former does not. It's further compounded by the fact that whilst people will buy their own copy of a rulebook for a minis game an RPG group will often make do with one or two copies between them so you don't even sell as many books. There's a reason GW franchise out WFRP and the 40K RPG's to other companies.

I'm pretty sure an RPG would give Wyrd more models to make (who doesn't want customisable PC's) and reasons to preexisting model for NPC's

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I don't mind who makes it, just as long as made well

Which is why Wyrd might want to outsource it. Give it to an experienced RPG maker, allowing them both the ability to concentrate on their Games (both of them, now), as well letting t hem rest assured that their setting is being handled by people who've got this kind of thing sorted.

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I figure the RPG would actually boost sales of models if they did it right. I mean...

Hats & Guns of Malifaux is an awesome blister!

I'd love to see them make a blister of Swords and more hats and monocles and more hats and books and...well...I think you get the idea.

But given the option to create and decorate your own model through the Malifaux RPG that can have translatable stats to Table Top? That'd be nifty.

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As someone else have already pointed out the Deadlands system, especially Reloaded which have adopted the Savage Worlds system could easily handle Malifaux as a setting with small adjustments to the rules.

The system already have a card mechanic which could have an added mechanic for triggers based on suits in the initiative and the bennies / fate chips mechanic could be modified to be used for soul stones.

The base rules are fairly simple (all of the mechanics are contained in a A5 sized rule book that's about a 1/3 of an inch thick with adjustments to the rules found in settings books (of which Deadlands Reloaded is one) so all that would be needed is a settings book for Malifaux.

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As someone else have already pointed out the Deadlands system, especially Reloaded which have adopted the Savage Worlds system could easily handle Malifaux as a setting with small adjustments to the rules.

The system already have a card mechanic which could have an added mechanic for triggers based on suits in the initiative and the bennies / fate chips mechanic could be modified to be used for soul stones.

The base rules are fairly simple (all of the mechanics are contained in a A5 sized rule book that's about a 1/3 of an inch thick with adjustments to the rules found in settings books (of which Deadlands Reloaded is one) so all that would be needed is a settings book for Malifaux.

Having played both Deadlands original and Deadlands in the Savage World system: Yes, Deadlands has some card based mechanics but the vast majority of the game is dice based.

I think the point of making a proprietary system is to go Totally Diceless like the minis game.

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