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Mechanical and Pale Rider...


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Pale Rider is epic. Lets Hoffman apply damage without having to get in melee range and then die once Peacekeeper does (which is what usually happens).

Not sure about Mechanical. He's good but Peackeeper is better. And you wont have points for all these awesome 8-9pt dudes :)

Also like Jonas said, Mounted Fusillade = amazing. A proper hit and run guild model!

Also also, Warden is probably Guild's best model, period. You should look at those for Hoffman too.

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The Pale Rider is all kinds of sexy. I have really enjoyed playing it with Levi lately. Haven't tried it much with Hoffman, but I could certainly see it being decent.

Have to be careful with it though. If it hasn't activated yet, it doesn't benefit from any of its abilities, and can be killed pretty easily, in my experience. So in that case, might be cool to keep a Guardian nearby.

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