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Multiple Avatars per Master


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I noticed that the new rulebook says "Players must announce what Masters in their Crews have attached Avatars, but not specifically which Avatars, when announcing their Crew compositions." The phrase "not specifically which Avatars" implies that Masters will have multiple choices for Avatars in the future.

This is an interesting implication, and I'm excited to see what they do with this. It gives Wyrd the option to expand the game without adding Masters. Besides just adding minions, they can add Masters, they can add Henchmen, and they can add Avatars for the existing Masters.

I've been concerned about how they keep the game evolving without making old Masters obsolete while keeping things fresh, and I think that having new Avatar choices for existing Masters will help.

I foresee a future when I can play Lady Justice and choose between attaching the Avatar of Balance, the Avatar of Stoicism, and the Avatar of Corsets.

Then again, I could just reading too much into the wording.

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This was discussed already and I think it was said that it was more worded to intend that only one Avatar could be brought in a brawl. But that could be the beer remembering things...

Where does it say that only one Avatar can be hired for a Brawl. The rules appear to allow you to attach an Avatar to each Master if you bring to Masters to a Brawl.

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It's probably in there to allow further Avatar options in the future. But remember the Ronin's statcard.

"This minion may not be upgraded to a henchman"

Just because it's in there doesnt mean it'll be implemented. Unless the next book will allow me to take a Hoarcat as a henchman. In which case, I welcome our new Hoarcat overlords.

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