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Why you shouldn't put your box of puppets on the roof of your car


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How many of you have placed something on top of your car while you get out your keys to unlock the door? I've can't count the number of times I've done it. Well, no more. This is the first time I drove off forgetting to take them down. I was so eager to show off the first four that I had painted last night.

Well, I didn't realize what I did until I got to the store. I immediately rushed back hoping to find them safe. No such luck, They were in the middle of the street, the box crushed flat. the minis were scattered all over. This is what I found.

The Executioner took the most damage, the Silurid lost it's back fin, the Rattler is bent in a few places and will break if I straighten it, and Bete is badly gouged. All the bases are broken, and one is missing.

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I played Sweeney Todd in a local production a few years back. On my way to rehearsal, I put the decorative box containing two prop replica straight razors on the roof and proceeded to drive a block and a half before realizing what I'd done.

I found them in a ditch. Minimal damage to the box, both razors intact.

I may have also suffered a minor stroke.

... crappy deal, your puppets. :( It's a real drag the one is missing. A least what you've found can be repaired with a little glue, green suff and eblow grease.

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Back in the sevenites, I did the same thing with $900 after closing the store I was working at. I returned an hour later to find the moneybag with all the money in it in the middle of the parking lot. The boss never found out and I am still breathing a sigh of relief today. Sorry to hear about your loss.

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Shoot me an e-mail (nathan@) and I'll see if I can sort you some bases and maybe a replacement on the more damaged ones. :)

This is why I love you guys!!

But yeah dude, that sucks some serious donkey (insert your favorite part here). I haven't done it yet, but I'm bound to do it soon (the car roof top driving, not the donkey thing...).

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