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Gremlins - All Comers List and some Q's


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Well, I'm no expert yet, but I've played a lot of games against a variety of masters now with old S'omer (only one with Ophelia and crew so far), and went from losing every game to winning my last few in a row, if not getting damn close. I've only don one 40 point list with Ophelia, Rami, and Raphael combined with S'omer's box, so I can't say much on that I think.

1) Does anyone ever use warpigs? I seem to read alot of people saying they aren't worth the points, yet to me they seem super cheap compared to most heavy hitters.
I use a warpig in all my games so far. It took me a while to figure how best to utilize him (my other crew was Ramos, so i kept thinking Warpig=Steamborg. Waaaayyy Wrong). The key is to get him far out and let him stampede if your looking for damage. If not, I use him as a meat shield (my opponents seem to focus a lot of fire power out on him, keeping my other guys alive to complete objectives.), or send him to capture or achieve objectives for some VP points. Hog Whisper is crucial to him.

2) Has anyone ever ran TWO warpigs at once, say with a list tailored with Slop Haulers and Whisperers to max their usage?
I play in the same gamer circle as Halflingspy (another forum user), and he pointed out his worry that I might get another Warpig to run two at once. I have yet to do it, but the thought is enough to spark psych warfare in him :)

3) What is everyone's feelings on the taxidermist? Being the one thing I've yet to get (of current releases), they seem...entertaining, but not exactly game breaking. Which, is great, cuz I aim to enjoy my game, and my losses (to myself via gremlin shenanigans) are typically some of my favorite games!)
I run the Taxidermist alot with S'omer. Against Rezzers (one of our regular players has all the rezzer masters) he can be used to deny valuable corpse counters (pick them up or turn them to stuffed piggies) which means alot when you're Gremlins VS Nicodem. The actual Stuffed Piggies effectiveness depends on who you're playing against. I don't worry much about them or even taking the taxidermist if I'm facing Hoffman (his damper arability generally ignores all bacon bombs), and seem to be best as crown control against undead, or smaller, non construct crews.

Coupled with the Pigapult, the 'dermist adds a better long range damage control that may keep your opponents looking for cover, but unless you target models close together doesn't seem too worth it.

And as a final note, my last three games a single piglet stampeding has caused my opponent the most grief and pretty much won me the game. I utilize Piglets in a multitude of ways with S'omer and a Whisper. They can Truffle and get your Gremlins an extra move, provide another source for summoning a gremlin (Whisper's "Bacon!" spell, which brings the summoned gremlin in with full health, great to cast when you ran a piglet up right to an objective marker.), a source for summoning Skeeters, a (costly) objective tackler if you manage to cast "Root around", a chaotic force if they stampede into your opponents, and another mini for your enemies crew to strike at instead of S'omer or more important minions.

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What are people's thoughts on Francois? From what I can tell it seems that for many people he is the first model dropped from the Lacroix box set, but he seems pretty decent to me. Granted, I am fairly new to both the game and the gremlins, but he seems to have a decent ranged trigger in fanning the hammer and he is one of the few gremlin models that actually seems decent in melee.

Just curious what the general opinion on him is.

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I personally love Francois. He is a great counter charge model for when things start creeping up on the "gunline". Cb 6 :rams means he is a decent fighter who will always be getting the Dumb Luck trigger when you feel like it. Using Ophelia's Ooh a Girl! can get him where he needs to be, an 18" threat range is nothing to sneeze at and it can be 25" if you walk first, then charge. I've used that trick to take out Nino and Austringers, hiding behind rocks, many times!

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My comments seem to be derailing the Marcus thread in the Arcanist section and Cornelious wanted my justification on taking a horde of Gremlins against Marcus in Bristol. Mission was Shared Escape and Survive and my list was (off the top of my head) Ophelia, a Slop Hauler, Rami and about nine Gremlins.

Now, for the justification of not taking any Kin. Basically when buliding a list, it comes down to how many normal Gremlins could I get for the same cost as those named ones and which I would rather have. Gremlin crews need to play the numbers game and too many Kin upset that balance.

Francois could have been handy (auto Dumb Luck would have been handy on Snowstorm), as would Pere (with Oopsie getting around Spirit AND cover). Not sure if Raphael would have been that handy. Biggest mistake was not taking the Young LaCroix. Magic Extension would have helped with Snowstorm, but I thought at the time the extra wound on a normal Bayou Gremlin would have been better for the mission.

All told Cornelius, looking back on it it was a pretty poor list. But I think it addresses an issue with LaCroix list of getting the right balance of hordes and heavy hitting Uniques.

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