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Another Showgirls Crew


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It's been very exciting seeing a lot of Showgirls crews being posted.

I purchased the Malifaux book first when it came out, but had not considered playing the game until now. I grabbed Rising Powers and the Showgirls when they were released, but sort of sat on them for awhile.

Gen Con 2011 changed all of that with Twisting Fates and all of the awesome pre-releases. Now my many friends that already have been playing for two years are ecstatic that I will be finally be joining the fold!

I started the Showgirls the Sunday night after I got back from Gen Con. I just went with the colour schemes from the boxed set, but I loved the models so much I may have to get another boxed set to paint.

Sorry for the low quality pictures, they were taken on my phone.





I think I will add the yellow horizontal stripes to her skirt to give it some more detail.





Coryphee 1:


Coryphee 2:




Magnetic Base for the Duet:

I didn't have a wooden planked 50mm base so I decided just to pop the 40 mm base from Coryphee 1 onto a 50mm base then made a hole for Coryphee 2 to fit on there. I think it sort of has a ballerinas on a music box look to it, but I may try to model a better 50mm base for it.




All I have left to do is the doves and I hope to have them finished by the end of the weekend. After that I'll probably go back and paint the 2nd Performer and Mannequin and maybe proxy the 2nd Performer for Angelica for larger games.

Thanks for looking!

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Thanks for the kind words!

The bases are Enigma Miniatures premium scenic bases. They are not inserts but entire resin bases. They make a 30mm and 40mm rounded-edge tavern floor base.

Back 2 Basix also have timber bases but those have thicker wooden planks moulded on and I wanted the wood to look more like a stage for these.

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