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Trigger timing vs Slow to Die

Math Mathonwy


I'm sure that this is written somewhere, probably even in the Rules Manual, so apologies for asking a silly question, but do triggers resolve before or after Slow to Die activation?

For example, if LCB kills a Belle and triggers All Done, will the Belle hit LCB or The Dreamer with her Grimy Parasol?

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Triggers are declared by the model with the lowest total first, or the defender in a draw. Not that that bit is relevant here.

Triggers are done before duel effects are applied.


You do the duel and get totals. Chompy hits.

Belle declares a trigger (none)

Chompy declares a trigger (All Done) and everything buries.

The effects of the duel are applied (damage to the Belle).

Belle dies, she gets a StD action. Chompy is not in play at this point.

All there in the rules manual. Pg 28.

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Triggers are declared by the model with the lowest total first, or the defender in a draw. Not that that bit is relevant here.

Triggers are done before duel effects are applied.


You do the duel and get totals. Chompy hits.

Belle declares a trigger (none)

Chompy declares a trigger (All Done) and everything buries.

The effects of the duel are applied (damage to the Belle).

Belle dies, she gets a StD action. Chompy is not in play at this point.

All there in the rules manual. Pg 28.

Thank you! :)

That's how we played but couldn't find whether triggers by default resolve when they've been triggered or at the end of the effect.

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Declaring triggers and executing them are two different things. Most triggers say exactly when they happen, but since this isn't the case for All Done I guess you could bury Chompy before the Belle hits him.

That's correct. In this instance I think StD is interrupting the normal sequence, although as mentioned All Done lacks clarity on when it should be performed. Not sure :)

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I've always played where the acting model's trigger goes off first.

Slow to Die isn't a trigger, but an ability (edit: It happens when conditions are met and interrupts the flow of the game immediately, unlike triggers which have different mechanic and more rigidly defined timing). Also the rules for timing (page 5 or 6 IIRC) mention the above principle is valid only when the events are simultaneous. In this case I don't think they are.

We're dealing with classic interruption here, and that's another thing.

The moment Belle reaches 0 wounds, her Slow to Die kicks in and interrupts the combat. She can take 1 action, you have to resolve it (which may mean another duel with LCB and another set of triggers going off), apply the results of that action and only then you return to her dying, remove her, and go on with LCB's trigger.

And I'm pretty sure this is the same case as the Colette defensive trigger - there's been a ruling here on the forums that she takes damage before she swaps. That implies even if the Trigger has no timing assigned to it, it still goes off after the damage.

I have no Rules Manual at hand here, but I think there's no way any trigger can go off before Damage (obviously there are triggers affecting the damage flip or the damage itself - that's the earliest it can go off I think). There are Triggers that get delayed further than that (till the model is killed, till the entire duel is finished etc.), but I don't think anything gets applied before the damage... and Slow to Die interrupts the Duel at the damage stage.

Edited by Q'iq'el
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