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So, a little while ago, I received a commission to match some harlequins to an existing Dark Eldar force. My client, in this case, was very specific about the colors- mostly they would be in black and white, but they were each to have one bright color on them (selected from one of the bright colors on the Dark Eldar force).

Overall, I think the color control turned out rather nice.

So, here they are:







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I really dig the black/white/one support color instead of the normal rainbow harlequins you see normaly.

Do you mind if i "borrow" this concept for my Collodi and his Marionettes?

Is the 2nd one a conversion intended to look like a Mass Effect character or is that what it really looked like. Either way its cool

it's the official GW model.

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Definetly colorfull models. Have to get them as reference for a more vivid style. Keep up the nice work.

One of the tricks to vivid-bright colors is careful color control. These are probably the most extreme examples I've painted- I only have one bright color on them, and the rest of them is extremely neutral.

You can get good results without going that extreme, but the principle is still valid.

Another important step is to black-line your areas. Go ahead and put black lines between all of your different areas. On these harlequins, you can see that I outlined all of the stripes and diamonds in black. It makes the mini look crisp, and helps the bright effect.

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