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Perfect Machine and not targeting



Me and a friend were discussing a rule the other day, and since I ordered a model where this might be an issue I thought better to get it cleared before I start using that model.

I tried searching both on the forum and using Googles "site:"-option but I couldn't find anything related, so I hope this is a new one.

If you have an ability that affects you when a construct is involved, but you don't actually target that construct, can it be negated via Perfect Machine?

The example that brought it up is a Freikorps Trapper vs Ramos. The Trapper get's :+fate on damage when targeting beasts or constructs with his rifle.

My friend argued that because he needs to target a construct, and Ramos can ignore being a construct, the trapper can't get the bonus. But I read it more as this is an effect on the trapper that doesn't target Ramos in any way, therefore Ramos cannot ignore it. I don't read it as Ramos stops being a construct, he can just chose to ignore certain effects that happen to target them, and the Trapper's effect targets the Trapper himself, not Ramos.

Anyone care discuss?

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For starters, Ramos never stops being a construct. He can just ignore effects that target constructs.

As to the original question... It's an interesting one, but I think Ramos can ignore it. The core question is whether the Trapper's ability targets Ramos, or just enhances his own attack passively (thus not targeting anything, or maybe just targeting the Trapper himself).

If you read the 'Declaring a Target' on pg 14 of the Rules Manual, it covers declaring targets for effects, not abilities or talents or attacks. It's certainly an odd way to read it, but I believe that the Trapper's :+fate damage ability is actually targeting Ramos - just that the restrictions limit that to constructs that he shoots.

It's kinda in-the-weeds, but that feels like the intent to me (always dangerous, admittedly) and I think it works.

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The wording you just gave shows that the Trapper is indeed targeting a construct. Ramos can choose not to be, thus ignoring that :+fate. If Ramos is not a construct when the Trapper targets him, how can you get that plus flip?

No, you misunderstood me. Reason I am not actually quoting the rule is because I don't have neither book nor card here.

What happens is, the trapper makes an ordinary ranged strike targeting Ramos. Nothing special here, nothing specifically targeting constructs. But because Ramos is a construct, an effect takes place targeting the trapper, giving him :+fate. Ramos can not stop being a construct, and there is nothing targeting him other than a perfectly ordinary ranged strike.

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RAW, the extra damage effects Ramos. The strike is not an effect that targets constructs, and the extra damage is just something extra that he gets against constructs. The extra damage doesn't target.

The ability stops you doing things like Collodi's Deconstruct (name?) or Hoffman's Override Edict that specifically target constructs.

An interesting question is whether it can ignore Alyce's Rust, since she can choose to do that to Ramos because he has armour rather than because he is a construct, but it is still an ability that targets constructs by its wording...

Edited by Calmdown
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An interesting question is whether it can ignore Alyce's Rust, since she can choose to do that to Ramos because he has armour rather than because he is a construct, but it is still an ability that targets constructs by its wording...

I was wondering about this as well.

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