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Greetings from Perth


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Hi All,

Let's see, I recently got back into miniatures after a break of four or five years and in poking around the web I came across Wyrd. What can I say, I think I've found my new obsession.

I started with miniatures about twenty years ago when my Mum bought me some of the old Middle Earth Role Play models. That started a downward spiral that I bet she regrets to this day.

In my normal indecisive, scattershot approach to gaming I've been buying minis that I like the look of, resulting in a Viks box, a Showgirls box and a Perdita box all sitting on my painting table in various stages of painting. Also a ton of the Gencon stuff has been ordered. Plus I'm trying real hard to resist the urge to get the Pandora and Seamus boxes. (hell, I've already bought their alts and avatars :) ) Not quite sure how I've managed to start collecting so many crews (and all from different factions) before I've even played a game but what can I say I love the models.

Other stuff about me, I live in Perth, I work as an Art Conservator and have too many cats.


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Don't resist the Pandy! she is awesome!!! :)

Hello Dave! (and Daves cats)

Firstly, welcome to Malifaux! I'm sure you will love it just as much as we do! And by the sound of it the FAUX bug has definitely bitten you! :D

Secondly, you need to get Pandora. Not want too. you NEED too. lol

Have a sweetie!! *offers you a cola cube *

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Yep, welcome to the party Dave. You'll find in Perth, there are that many clubs, you're spoilt for choice...

Pending on your preferred gaming day/venue, there's probably a club near you, in fact, there's at least one club meeting every day (barring Thursday), so odds on you could make it to one...

Edited by Ratt
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Don't resist the Pandy! she is awesome!!! :)

Hello Dave! (and Daves cats)

Firstly, welcome to Malifaux! I'm sure you will love it just as much as we do! And by the sound of it the FAUX bug has definitely bitten you! :D

Secondly, you need to get Pandora. Not want too. you NEED too. lol

Have a sweetie!! *offers you a cola cube *

Stop trying to brainwash the poor guy :P lol

Darg, welcome to Malifaux and I hope you enjoy your time with us. Just remember to always carry and packet of cookies in case you meet any Teddies (they go mad for them!) and keep in mind that the Guild are all bullies (especially Sonnia). Good to have you with us :)

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Thanks for the welcome everyone. Hayzel you'll be happy to know I just succumbed and ordered Pandora and a bunch of Neverborn, what can I say killer babies and cute little girls are too good to pass up.

Osoi, I may just take you up on that offer of an intro game.

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