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vs. Criid?


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So I'm finally going to get a game in with my 30ss McMourning crew tomorrow night.

The crew list..


Zombie Chihuahua


Dead Rider



Canine Remains

What schemes/etc would be best to take with this list?

Any general tips for playing against Sonia Criid? The only thing I can think of, is keep McMourning away from her.

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Is your opponent going to be running her Avatar?

Honestly, I don't have a ton of experience with McM, but I think Grudge on Samael Hopkins (Or whatever her big beater is) would be good with Shikome. I'm always leery about taking spirits vs a casting master, though.

Depending on your Strategy, you're going to have to really change your play style. I can list out all the crews for each strategy but that would be a lot of effort. What other models do you have available?

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If your running against Criid the Belles arnt going to do anything. I think it would be better to take more Remains instead. Here is the list I run and its really good. You use the all the Canine Remains and Necro Punks to eat up all their activation. Then you use Sebastian to get two more body part counters and hit one of your Canine remains once to get a total of 7 Body part counters, you can heal the Canine if you want as well. Then the next turn you move McM up 15 inch and throw a Rouge Necromancy into Criids face, after you have burned through all their activation again. Then you can have all your cheap stuff zerg something scary and McM can go about Dissasembling everyone els.

McM 3ss 4 Body Parts

Sebastian 6ss

Dead Rider 10ss

Zombie Chihuahua 1ss

Canine Remains 2ss

Canine Remains 2ss

Canine Remains 2ss

Canine Remains 2ss

Necro Punk 3ss

Necro Punk 3ss

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Mikky usually shines when he can cut on people, but this is not so here. A direct, magical 1/2/3/4 punch will get him blasted or counterspelled. In general, spread out, keep your low defense troops (read as "all of them") as far apart from McM as you can, and try to keep your armor up.

Non-linear and/or noncombative strategies, such as Hold the Line, work well against the more reactionary and stationary Guild. Raising armies of scrubs and cutting up a master are tough against Criid, so avoid your master and faction specific schemes.

...and your spirit is gunna die unless you keep it completely out of LoS. Try bursting through walls and such. Otherwise, a single fireball or shattered rune blade is gunna ruin your whole day.

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No matter what you do, never cluster your guys together when Criid is on the board if you can avoid it. Her primary spell does three blasts with its major damage, and triggers to allow those blasts to be 2" away from each other. So you can bet that your opponent will be cheating and soulstoning the casting of that spell. She can clear out hordes like no other.

Furthermore, remember that with anything with CA 7+, she does not need LoS to target. Forgetting this is an easy way to lose a master.

On the other hand, she's only def 4, has no armor or any damage resistances except to magic. You can blow her away with non-spell ranged attacks. Just don't get too close: that sword of hers is surprisingly nasty.

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I see that the Belle's are going to struggle. Unfortunately, the list is all the models I own. Plus the Necropunks that just came in the mail- but they're not assembled.

I can't actually use Rogue Necromancy. I don't own one, plus people are playtesting for an event. Wyrd doesn't let you proxy models that are yet to be released. Also with the V2 change to Canine Remains.. bit harder to pull off.

Space out a lot. Check. Try to keep the spirit in cover. Check.

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So had my game. And a second, but we didn't get it finished.

Opponent had Sonnia, the Henchman Merc with no spells, some Witchlings and the construct with a minigun. He got Destroy the Evidence, Hold the Line and... I forget.

I rolled up Reconnoiter. Chose Hold the Line and Kill Protege.

What did I learn?

Turns out that Kill Protege with Shikomi is pretty solid. She has trouble getting through armor though. Shikomi is actually surprisingly fragile, too. Need to keep it safe. Skitter behind buildings and use Agile to scoot out and get a charge vector.

McMourning is a monster. He must have taken about 30-35 damage over the course of the game. Didn't try to summon once. Too busy going nuts with Scalpel Slinging and such. It was tricksy trying to cast with all the anti-magic.

Sonnia isn't that much of a threat to him. She can do damage, but some decent flips or burn a couple of stones and he's still good to go. Then he's back to full in seconds.

So first game, Shikomi shredded the construct. Got 2pts. I got wiped out to a man, but my aggressive playstyle ment that my opponent was far back. Another 2pts. Opponent scored like 2pts total and I won.


The second game we didn't finish, but the last turn was nuts.

McMourning Slings into Sonnia and a Witchling. I win the flip. Cheat in Red Joker. Flip a 12. 12 damage. Sonnia dies. I heal up and continue slashing at the Witchling. Another severe for damage.

McMourning is REALLY fun to play.

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I haven't had much of a problem with Sonnia, she's a static caster who throws a ton of damage but needs to keep moving to complete her objectives. You can corral her in and pick apart the crew easily.

I've found belles to be really good here, especially against hopkins who can kill McM in one activation with ease. Chain lure the target close and eat him in melee. Use corpse counters to drop a fleshie on Sonnia as soon as possible but watch her trigger as she can insta kill constructs if you don't discard cards.

Using spread out canines to deliver bete to the face is also quite effective.

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Also, random question. My opponent was doing this during our game(s).. I'm sure it's legal, but it's total bs.

McMourning shreds Von Schill. Dies, Slow to Die, burn a Soulstone for a healing flip. Kill him again. Burn another stone to stay on the board.

I'm pretty sure that was the interaction. Is this correct? There's no negative wounds or anything?

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