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Lots of questions!


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Hi, as incredible as it sounds i have been playing for almost a year and still have some issues that i do not understand and i started playing Ramos and have some questions for him too, so i thank the forum gurus for their answers.

1.- If i start a crew, summoned models do not count for ss cost right? so if this is correct, Zoraida+voodoo doll+bad juju+3 wicked dolls+ 3 sillurids is a 15ss crew?

2.- I start a game with Ramos, does the terrain start with scrap piles? how many? where? or do Ramos has to create his own at the beginning?

3.- Is this a correct combo? activate Ramos, then at the end of his activation i use linked in to activate brass arachnid, i use stoke to reactivate Ramos and so on and on?

4.- If Ramos do not start the game with spiders and create them after wards, do i have to count them as start ss crew cost?

5.-December acolyte: How come if he is a harpoon expert, he gets -2cb? isn`t this a contradiction?

6.- Does Ramos can use linked in on himself?

Thank you so much for your answers, imagine that i am a 10yo kid =)

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1 if you hire a model that is summonable yes, if you don't and summon if on any turn no

2 Nope, scrap counters are left when constructs die

3 A model can only gain reactivate from one source per turn, so no not OP

4. Nope, you never know how many spiders you end up making at the start of the game

5 because his using it as a (1) action not a (2) and is at +3Rg

6. Nope, although he does activate at the same time as himself ;)

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My good silver, always on the rescue, thanks a lot man, i still have issues on number 6, here i go: In malifaux tactica wiki (pull my finger) in the brass arachnid there is a trick called electrical creation factory, ramos activates and make an electrical creation, then activates brass arachnid with linked in i suposse and use stoke to reactivates ramos who make a 2nd electrical creation, but then states "Activate the second creation and Burst. Now reactivate Ramos, and cast Electrical Creation AGAIN, giving you another burst" for 9 wounds, where this 3rd ramos activation came from?

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1.- If i start a crew, summoned models do not count for ss cost right? so if this is correct, Zoraida+voodoo doll+bad juju+3 wicked dolls+ 3 sillurids is a 15ss crew?

Normal summon doesn't cost you anything, but you must have a summoner on the table and you obviously pay with Action Points and possibly Control Cards/Soulstones for it (so the ability to summon for free is covered with the summoner's cost and the cost of the spells).

Some models you buy and then deploy through summoning or placement according to their own rules. Bad Juju is one of those - you must pay full 10SS for fielding it.

2.- I start a game with Ramos, does the terrain start with scrap piles? how many? where? or do Ramos has to create his own at the beginning?

It's been partially answered already, but you need a "Scavenger" on the table for the scrap counters to drop. Each time something dies, 1~3 counters are placed (depending on the base size and victim's special rules).

3.- Is this a correct combo? activate Ramos, then at the end of his activation i use linked in to activate brass arachnid, i use stoke to reactivate Ramos and so on and on?

Reactivate can be given only once a turn. Also I believe, you'd have to allow your opponent to activate between your Brass Arachnid and Ramos' reactivation.

4.- If Ramos do not start the game with spiders and create them after wards, do i have to count them as start ss crew cost?

Isn't it normal summoning? (See point 1).

5.-December acolyte: How come if he is a harpoon expert, he gets -2cb? isn`t this a contradiction?

Harpoon Expert is an action which costs (1) AP. It is a special cheap attack that allows him to save Action Points. His regular Harpoon Strike doesn't have the penalty and has better range, but per the Weapon's rules costs 2 AP.

6.- Does Ramos can use linked in on himself?

I'm not sure of the exact rule right now, but Linked In is part of simultaneous activation rules - it is there so that several models can act at the same time. This particular ability allows you to pair up with one other model in range. I don't think it'd count as "simultaneous" if he targeted himself and I don't think it is allowed, because of that.

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The creation factory works as follows

Activate Ramos. Cast Electrical creation.

Opponents activation

Activate electrical creation do the burst action

Opponents activation

Activate the Brass Arachnid Cast Stoke on Ramos and then use magical extention to Cast Electrical creation

Opponents activation

Activate Electrical creation to do the burst Action

Opponents activation

Activate Ramos (since he has now been given re-activate) summon a third electrical creation.

Opponents activation

Use the third electrical creation.

Opponents activation.

Ramos can not link in himself.

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1.- If i start a crew, summoned models do not count for ss cost right? so if this is correct, Zoraida+voodoo doll+bad juju+3 wicked dolls+ 3 sillurids is a 15ss crew?

Nope that would be at minimum a 25ss crew.. Bad Juju isn't summoned onto the board by an ability. When you Purchase him he come in from off the board on his first activation via a Summon.

From the Earth: Do not deploy this model at the start of the game. Instead, when you would activate a model you may summon this model to anywhere on the table that is at least 7” from an enemy model. If this model is not summoned by the 4th turn, it counts as killed for VP purposes and can no longer be deployed.

You could summon all 3 of the Wicked Dolls. But you might want to start with some on the board. If you did you would pay their cost.

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Thanks Ratty and Q, you clear all my doubts, when i started Malifaux i bought Zoraida and Ramos, but were in love with the old Hag and i play her really good now, so i started (a year later) to learn how to use Ramos and i like him, subtle but brutal, the only thing is that i suffer A LOT every game deciding if i bring brass arachnid or mobile toolkit, between stoke and extra tomes is always a hard choice!

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