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Hey all, he's 95% finished. Didn't freehand yet, I think I might just put a design on it there's not much room. Anyway here he is.




Here is the first bell I will paint it later today. I got to work a 6:45 so I'm gonna try, and get 2ish hours of sleep :D


Edited by Deadpool
I don't have any Fresca!!!
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So few things, your thumb looks like you smashed it with a hammer. Secondly the glove looks like crap. And you forgot to do the three buttons on his cuff link. Man what a noob!!!!!

Just kidding, your not a noob. :P:

And in all seriousness black backgrounds really hide flaws. Just kidding again. He looks good, way better than my seamus, the lucky charms man.

Also next time you can use my phone. MACRO ftw!!!!!!

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Thanks for the compliments guys....and IamWyrd! That's what I was thinking, mabee with some free hand on it. But, a friend of mine said that the bag should draw attention, cause the whole mini is dark, he thinks the bag should be a lighter color. Hmmn I'm just not sure.

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@Regnak it could work, its kinda out of the pallet, could still work.

@Lheugast I use my thumb to wipe off extra paint from my detail brush.

If you used that as starting colour and then lightened that up over stages I think the bag could really stand out? ;)

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I think a dark grey bag would work, there's a nice firey halo of hair to draw the attention up to the face. Then again the quality of the paint job is that you really have to keep looking at it to take it all in. There's so much going on that you do a double take :-) Really nice work!

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Alright, so I'll do a grey to match bag. I'm going to free hand on it, I have a few things in mind, but do you guys got any free hand ideas?

There are some old medical symbols you could use. But the ones for the Mortuary folks would be awesome!

Or if you want to go really creepy: Make it a bag from a funeral services provider...


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popg0estheworld thanks, I originally thought plaid but you did it lol.

Shadeau Gorgon good idea. Hmmn but it needs to be catchy like,

Boxwell Brothers Funeral Directors, amigone Funeral home, John R. Deady funeral home and saddly enough those are real funeral home names :P

Oh, I got it Mcmourning Wood lol!

Edited by Deadpool
Lightbulb :D
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