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Hoffman's Constructs of Order


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Hoffman is my first master, and I picked up his box set along with the guild constructs Ryle and the Peacekeeper, and his attendant. I'm just an amateur modeler and painter, but do enjoy the hobby. I'm finally done with them and thought I'd post them for others to enjoy.

Here's the whole crew:


I'm going to focus on individual models and comments below.

(also, this is my first time attempting to post pictures...so bear with me.)

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First off, I really like the peacekeeper - both on the table as a member of the crew and as a beautiful, dangerous looking model. Interestingly, I think my particular peacekeeper came packed with two of the same "overhead" arms and none of the "reaching arms" because I couldn't figuer out how to make my parts match all the pictures I saw.

When bad things happen in Malifaux, you make something grand! So I had an idea of the "praying mantis style" two claws up in front ready to strike. I really think it worked out terrific.





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Nice work! I really need to get some painting done on my own crews.

I feel that a brown wash (such as GWs Devlan mud) would really help bring out the details of the armour plates, rivets, etc.

This. Your colors are fantastic, and even if you've sealed them with varnish, a wash will take them up a notch. Good work!

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Thanks for the positive support. As I said, I'm a pretty new painter.

I was experimenting with this set of models and using a metallic red wash, rather than a brown. The overall goal was to give the models a red hue. I liked the idea of these constructs with a somewhat eerie red glow to them, marking them as both guild and - well - Malifauxey? (is that a word?) I agree the brown would probably have highlighted details better, but I wanted them to stay bright (amoung what I envision as a lot of darker models).

Anyway, I'm only about 50% happy with the red hue. Under certain lighting it looks fantastic, other times it's only so so.

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With a little more time, time to "link in" some more close ups. (I'm sorry for the bad joke...I do like playing Hoffman)

Here's the Watcher...which required me to do a little scultping of my own to make his steam jets...

why oh why Wyrd does he not come with some kind of steam jet flying stand!?!?




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Whomever sculpted this model, I love it. The dynamic pose and unique look are terrific in my opinion. A pleasure to paint this up and see it on the table.




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