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Lucius and Lady Justice crew.


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To be honest this is my very first time assembling and painting war game minis and using base materials. I've tried to get as much tips in! Tell me what you think please. What you see is two box sets: Lady Justice and Lucius. I'm planning to get the Avatar soon and maybe get an Austinger, a Peacekeeper to add to the dopeness.


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First off welcome to the forums. Secondly, for your first time these models are fantastic. If you want any tips, it think a wash on the light blue of the clothes would make the models pop even more. Maybe asurmen blue wash or for a dirty look a sepia wash if you use citadel paints. If not just get a blue color and water it down or use medium retardent mixed with water and just wash over the whole cloth.

But other than that they are great for your first time. :)

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Hey man for a first go , they look great !

You can water down a wash to lighten it up a bit , even add a touch of space wolves grey to lighten it up . Washes are basically watered down paints ( there are other agents added to the company produced washes ) . But before washes became easy to obtain , painters watered down the base coat color . I actually tend to water down the washes all the time , they can be a tad dark for my liking as well .

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Welcome to the Wyrder side of things, for a first time ever that is pretty good work. I would say you dont really need to wash anything down but maybe a highlight might pay greater dividends at this stage, just add some white to the colours you are already working with and apply thinly to the raised areas. White is a tough colour to pull off even when you are experienced

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