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Beating the Ortegas


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I took a defeat to Perdita last night against a friend of mine. (hopefully he won't see this post and chime in to rub it in my face) We ran a 40ss game, we were limited on terrain for this match so there were some awesome lines of sight for her.

I basically hunkered down and DS and passed for pretty much the first 1 and 1/2 turns. He had plant evidence and I was wanting him to come forward a bit before I opened myself up for the firing squad

I had treasure hunt and my pride got in the way so I ran a list I had run the day before against Som'er cause it worked so well, instead of Henching Colladi (coulda, woulda shoulda, the curse of encounter breakdown)

The thing that hurt a lot was his Austringer. 18" ignores everything stuff. Zero action Creepy fog on my stiched, BAM, shot.

So I think the the terrain crowded board does work to a point till they take a few austringer's that can pretty much hit you anywhere.

Perdita does like to think she's a bad ass (fluff wise, and maybe some players) so Frame for murder works well with her. I dumped my Insideous Madness in front of her, if I take away Immune to Influence from her bonus, if not, she kills your model and scheme achieved.

At the end of the day. Zoraida took the treasure token back to her deployment and took a beating while doing it but survived. I lost 8-5

I have been re-thinking my list this morning, but another friend last night that was watching the end of our encounter said "you know what I do when I face Perdita? Run away" I did that for the most part, but I still need some practice against her.

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Obeyed papa loco is indeed a pain. As a new player learning the game agianst the Ortegas I feel your pain. Generally my group uses 10+ pieces of terrain, however most of it is large line of site blocking terrian with smaller bits for breaking up the shooting lanes such terrain creates.

So far the only general tactic ive been able to come up with is to spilt the family up as best you can. Use schemes that force them to defend spread out points to prevent you from scoring. This hopefully prevent them from companioning half the family and drowning you in actions. If he stays grouped up, you should have a free run at some of your objectives.

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First off: malifaux needs TONS of terrain: open ground should be an exception, there should be walls, platforms and towers all over the place.

2: the neverborn have plenty of anti-shooty stuff. Using the dreamer to dump a ba-jillion nightmares (teddies and stitched, mebbe?) into the middle of an ortega gunline is perhaps your best bet: I know it's screwed me over when I play Ortegas or laCroix.

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Also, be sure you're not playing your opponent and you're trying to accomplish your strategy.

If you know a guy in your group is prone to playing Ortega, reflip if you end up getting slaughter or contain power. Play to your strengths and accomplish the goals you have.

The first box I picked up was Pandora against my friend who had picked up Ortega's. Not knowing that he had a giant rock to my pair of scissors, I learned the hard way just to keep focus on your strategy and not to engage head on with certain masters.

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Hi Annoch, I'm certainly not the best (but certainly one of the newest) players. I play the Ortegas and the one master I struggle with is Lilith...

Ive played her 3 times and lelu and lilitu (apologies for spellings!) have both been in the crews. I haven't won one game :( against Lilith.

I felt a similar way, frustrated and quite annoyed that i couldn't beat her, but her day will come......

The one tactic that I find the hardest to defend against is the chain lure.

I can cope with mature nephelims, tots etc... but the lure has an 18" range and if you are set up correctly you can pluck and chew models quite effectively from an Ortega gun line.

I was actually looking here instead of the Guild forum for help/ideas on how to beat Lilith!!

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I tried a game against an Ortega family and with Zoraida it works wonders. Gotta get the old girl in to obey Papa to ram him into the family line and get the hooded rider up there with Night on for some good smashing fun. Juju right behind Nino for some face beating fun is also acceptable. Just make sure Papa already blew up before you Juju.

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