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Special Hiring Rules and Mercenaries

Shawn Kehoe



If a master has special hiring rules that lets them hire models from outside their faction (such as Undead for Leveticus or M&SU members for Colette), and a qualifying non-faction model has the mercenary attribute, does it still count towards the 2 Merc limit?

The Rules Manual seems to indicate that they would: "A crew may include up to two models with the Mercenary characteristic from other Factions." (pp 72.)



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No, the 2 mercenary limit is 2 models with the Mercenary Characteristic, unless the rule states that out of faction models are considered to have the characteristic Mercenary (can't think of anything but future proofing the answer)


Thanks for the reply! I'm a bit confused as to the wording though. Specific example: if Colette hires Johan using Union Labour, does he count towards the merc limit?

Thanks again,


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So if I hire Killjoy, an Undead Mercenary Outcast, into a Nicodem crew, does that mean KJ loses (for all intents and purposes) the Merc characteristic because he's being hired via Nico's special hiring rule? Or does he still count as a mercenary for purposes of the 2 merc max rule?

EDIT: Whoops. I'm being a tad redundant. Shawn has asked (basically) the same question, above. My bad.

Edited by Hatchethead
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I'm not sure if I agree with Goblin's ruling here (no offense, and I realize I don't have a badge).

The wording on Union Labor (Colette) and Undead Master (Nicodem) is identical save for the type of model it refers to.

The way I see it, the thing you have to look for here is if the master could hire the model if it didn't have the mercenary trait. In the above example Colette could hire Johann even if he had not been a mercenary, so in my opinion he wouldn't count as a mercenary.

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I'm not sure if I agree with Goblin's ruling here (no offense, and I realize I don't have a badge).

The wording on Union Labor (Colette) and Undead Master (Nicodem) is identical save for the type of model it refers to.

The way I see it, the thing you have to look for here is if the master could hire the model if it didn't have the mercenary trait. In the above example Colette could hire Johann even if he had not been a mercenary, so in my opinion he wouldn't count as a mercenary.

The wording changed slightly in the rules manual. It was somewhat ambigious before (and what you're saying was the general consensus on it), but the current RAW is certainly like Goblyn said. No matter how you hire him, Johan still has the Mercenary trait on his card.

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If a master has special hiring rules that lets them hire models from outside there faction, and a qualifying non-faction model has the mercenary attribute, does it still count towards the 2 Merc limit?

Now I'm confused. Above is the original question cut down to the minimum. The first word of goblyn's response is "No" which reads to me that the answer to the question above is "No" meaning that Nicodem could hire eight undead mercs and still have his two merc slots open, but Wodschow seems to be saying that if Nicodem hired two undead mercs then his two merc slots would be full.

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Now I'm confused. Above is the original question cut down to the minimum. The first word of goblyn's response is "No" which reads to me that the answer to the question above is "No" meaning that Nicodem could hire eight undead mercs and still have his two merc slots open, but Wodschow seems to be saying that if Nicodem hired two undead mercs then his two merc slots would be full.

Yeah, that's why I asked for clarification with a specific example :)

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The rule states "A crew may include up to two models with the Mercenary characteristic from other Factions." The only way this could be read is that if Nicodem hired Jack Daw and Killjoy he wouldn't be able to hire a Freikorpsman as the two undead would be his mercenary allowance. He of course wouldn't have to pay extra soulstones for them though.

I think Goblyn may have answered a completely different question. IE do models hired out of faction count as mercenaries, which the answer is NO... unless they have the characteristic. Models don't gain mercenary if you hire them out of faction. So Leveticus could hire 14 canine remains with no issue.

Edited by Ratty
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The rule states "A crew may include up to two models with the Mercenary characteristic from other Factions." The only way this could be read is that if Nicodem hired Jack Daw and Killjoy he wouldn't be able to hire a Freikorpsman as the two undead would be his mercenary allowance. He of course wouldn't have to pay extra soulstones for them though.

I think Goblyn may have answered a completely different question. IE do models hired out of faction count as mercenaries, which the answer is NO... unless they have the characteristic. Models don't gain mercenary if you hire them out of faction. So Leveticus could hire 14 canine remains with no issue.

OK. That makes sense :)

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