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Edonil's Arcanists


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(And put this in the wrong place the first time...)

So, got a bunch of my Arcanists painted up, wanted to share some pictures. I'm still not that good with photos, the pictures of Colette in particular skewed her skin tone, but oh well. Any comments/criticisms/advice would be greatly appreciated, especially with what to do with the bases.



Her skin tone ended up being really purple in the photo, less than pleased with that, but eh.

Colette (Back)




I may end up repainting Rasputina's flesh, she ended up more blue than pale white.

Rasputina (back):


Freikorps Trapper:


Ice Gamin:


Essence of Power:


Silent One:


Her face blurred a little, but this is probably the model I'm most pleased with right now.

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I like them. Rasputina really looks like the ice witch and teh effects you have on teh essence of power look quite good. I would almost look at a darker colour for raspys coat to help give the model some more contrast and really offset her skin tone.

They need basing :) that will set them off a lot more.

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Yeah, basing hasn't ever been my strong suit. I just ordered a whole bunch of gears and such (stealing Ratty's basing technique from his neverborn stuff) and I'll be doing that. What color coat would you recommend for Rasputina?

I personally would maybe go for either a dark blue or grey with my prefernce going more towards a grey as it should may the blue tint of the skin pop a little more.

I knwo what you mean about basing, if you do before you start painting it becomes less of a chore and you get more inventive and even start enjoying it. It doesnt have to be over the top but having something on a base helps finish the entire model off.

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Cool! I like the white/pale look for Raspy. That works nicely. The others are good as well, and your Trapper reminds me a bit of the paint scheme I chose for mine, which is cool, because I wasn't 100% sure my paint scheme worked. But if somebody else picked a similar one, I must be on the right track at least. ;)

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What color coat would you recommend for Rasputina?

I would say a shade of blue. Firstly I tend to like brighter colours as personally I like stuff to stand out (but that might not be your preference).

Secondly blue is I think a nice colour to highlight and shade. With grey you can only really go lighter or darker, but you can get some nice different shades and tints in there with blue. I don't know what sort of paints you use but for some examples in Games Workshop paints you could have the following:

For a very dark blue: shade: Chaos Black basecoat: Midnight Blue highlight: Regal Blue

For a very light blue: shade: Lightning Bolt Blue, basecoat: Ice Blue, highlight: Skull White

You could also chose anything in between these, but I think you have much more choice with blues and they are I think easier to get a really nice effect, more forgiving and grey and most importantly catch the eye. If it was me I'd be tempted to try Regal Blue -> Ultramarines Blue -> Lightning Bolt Blue.

I got carried away there, probably because I really want to paint this one myself! Nice work, and by the way I actually like the skin tone you did her, if it was me I wouldn't change the skin colour.

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Thanks everyone! :) I'm not totally sure if I want to repaint Rasputina's coat...we'll see if they end up actually releasing an alternate sculpt, if they do I might leave this one alone and paint the alt. using the colors from the Rules Manual. I've got a ton of watch gears and stuff coming in, I'll be trying to experiment with a bunch of basing materials I've picked up over the past month. I haven't based these models yet because I wanted to do more than my usual process of:

1. Add sand.

2. Spray paint black.

3. Drybrush some color. (grey, brown or red tend to be my usuals...)

So, we'll see how it goes. Thanks again for all the kind comments and advice! I'm hoping to have photos of Cassandra and my Performer and Mannequin up in the next few days, along with whatever else I paint. I'm holding off on even building the Coryphee till the bases get done, because I want to magnetize them.

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And...update! No basing done yet, still waiting on the supplies to show up, but here's some pictures of the Showgirls.

Colette and the Showgirls:


Cassandra (her face blurred a little for some reason :P)


Cassandra (back)




Performer (back)




Mannequin (back)


Mechanical Dove


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I am liking that blue dress a lot, looks ace. What colours did you use if you don't mind?

I only used two GW paints, actually. Hawk Turquoise is the base, and I blended it lots of times with Astronomicon Grey, before using that as the final highlight. Can't say enough good about that Grey, actually, it's a blue-based light grey that has changed the shade of a color without shifting what the color is. I used it when doing the purple for Colette too.

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Thanks! Yeah, I'm pleased with how the base turned out. For this game being a first serious attempt at basing, things are coming along well. I wanted to do an industrial wasteland look, so got some watch parts and some Pumice paste, and just went to town. If I can figure out how, I think I want to add some ice to the Rasputina models with water effects.

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Your stuff is look great! I don't know if it was the camera angle for the first set of pictures or not, but it looks like some of the paint is looking a bit grainy. I've been noticing that with my own stuff as well, and I've recently rediscovered the joys of thinning out your paints. The latter stuff you have posted didn't seem to have that issue, so maybe it's just me ;_;

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Actually, what you're seeing is me moving away from 'mass production' paint mode, to 'I LOVE TO PAINT' mode, lol. I've been painting Warhammer 40,000 and Warmachine armies, so I've been working mostly on improving 'quick paint' skills, mainly drybrushing. You can see this the most on Rasputina, the earliest of the models in the thread that I painted. (I also have a very rapidly painted Death Marshals crew, but I'm not putting them here...actually considering repainting them, but we'll see)

Once I went over to the Showgirls, I started to slow down and work more carefully on my blends and layering. I spent as much time on Cassandra's dress as I did on Rasputina as a whole. I'm currently working on an Onryo and taking even more time with the kimono on that, and just rediscovering through this game how much I enjoy this part of the hobby.

Edited by edonil
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Once I went over to the Showgirls, I started to slow down and work more carefully on my blends and layering. I spent as much time on Cassandra's dress as I did on Rasputina as a whole. I'm currently working on an Onryo and taking even more time with the kimono on that, and just rediscovering through this game how much I enjoy this part of the hobby.

I know exactly what you mean! I've been doing a lot of quick work, and it shows in some areas, other areas I've taken it slow. But I'm hoping, especially after Gen Con, to take a slower and more methodical approach. I'm currently waiting for a Raspy crew to arrive, but they won't get painted before Gen Con, still have a lot of Ressers (including 2 Onryo).

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