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Do you suppose Rasputina would be this annoying IRL?

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I'd like to draw everyone's attention to a growing problem surrounding Malifaux: There's far too many terrible puns going around generated by people with ice powers. The worst example on record, of course, being this clip (from a movie banned by the UN, who consider this a most foul form of torture):



Now, Rasputina is quite the popular character around here, I understand; but I'm saddened to think how disillusioned many of us would be to meet her... you know... she being one of them. After Germans, I'm pretty sure ice mages are rated amongst the least funny people on earth (and the least funny in Malifaux after the Freikorps).

Any thoughts on this grave matter?


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Arnie's Austrian, not German :P

I realize this, and Rasputina isn't German either for that matter, but I just was quoting that as a real statistic: http://abcworldnews.tumblr.com/post/6286129447/poll-germans-voted-least-funny-nationality-americans

But yeah, definitely a torturous film... And what's worse than waterboarding? ICEBOARDING!!!


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Which movie is this video from ? Never seen!

It's from Batman and Robin, a travesty of a film where George Clooney wore the nipple suit, and those lines from Arnold are some of the best throughout the movie.

Actually I'd probably love hanging out with Raspy if she made terrible ice puns the whole time because I can't stop laughing watching the Mr. Freeze video. "Icy, freezy, cold, chill. let's kick some ice!" hahaha classic!

Although I think you may have found the true reason why devotees of the Cult of December must have their tongues cut off.

Edited by twenty4seven
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