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Lilith's Brood - By Silent Jet

Silent Jet

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Hey Everyone!

I held off on posting this for a bit so I could have a small army to show off. I made the bases myself (first time, and thank you to those who put up tips, they helped a lot), and really tried to capture the look of a natural Malifaux terrain on each piece. I hope you all like them as much as I do! Oh, and sorry for the blurring.

Let's start with Lilith herself:


I wanted to give the appearance of bullet-holes in the Mature Nephilim's wings, hence the black blood.


And here's a group shot of the whole crew I have so far (I have to get some BB Shaman's and Nekima, as well as another Mature Nephilim, but I think this is a good starting point!


Here's a complete look at each piece in the army for those who are interested. I took multiple shots so that you can see some of the cooler detailing!


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Thanks, I was thinking of doing something very different at first, closer to the box art, but then decided to go with the idea that they are the "natural species of Malifaux" and ran with it. Lilith is standing on a structure that was not originally underwater, but what with her brood taking out the inhabitants of the last Breach, the river flows a little differently... (At least, that's how it is in my mind...)

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Nice, i am still waiting for my first crew, buti think Lilith will be my second!

Excellent! I look forward to exchanging war stories with you, since i get the impression we both have some similarities in this matter (I also paint for relaxation, and am very much looking forward to making a landscape). Maybe I'll have to bring my Crew across the Ocean to you so we can have a matchup! Y'know, when I haven't spent all my money on figures and terrain...

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I haven't gotten a BB Shaman yet, just those pictured above (sadly). I plan on getting another Mature Nephilim, 2 BB Shaman, and Nekima.

My wife is playing Kirai, so I don't get ANY blood from her units so I have to provide my own for growth, so I figured that I could use the BB for that. Course, I also want some Lelu and Lilitum so that I can bolster my army with their summoning. I'll probably get one or two units in the next two weeks (things are tight right now :frusty: )

Nekima has an ability to give a mask to all other nephilim, within range, for a given ability, so if I do that for casting, and then have the BB sacrifice his own blood, he gains 2 blood tokens instead of just 1! by using this in concert with Nekima's other ability to give large bonuses to nephilim that are trying to grow, plus her ability to add regeneration 1 to all nephilim in the area, I'm looking at a potential 2 growths per turn! It is rather costly to do though, and puts a lot on specific creatures so I'll have to see how it does on the field (I love to try out various strategies, even if I'm fairly sure they'll destroy me, cause sometimes those work and then you feel really cool!).

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