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Found my Calling


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Okay, so maybe it's not as extreme as the thread title, but I did stumble upon something I can see myself liking for a long time to come -- Malifaux -- and, if the great work continues, probably Puppet Wars, too.

So, I have never been huge into war gaming of any type, mostly because large scale, expensive things like Warhammer have really turned me off of the idea. It all seemed like a money grab to me. I know that the models are nice and they have to make some money, but it just seems like the large scale ones want you to build bigger and bigger and bigger :frusty:armies. So, one day I stumbled upon Malifaux, via some youtube videos. These really intrigued me, forcing me to look more into it, and check out the forums and so forth. I found a game that did not require 80 books for one army, or $800 for the army itself. I see this, and the general rules are online, and also very cheap at around $15 or so, and one box set for around $30 or so. $45 give or take, to play a miniature war game? I must be missing something. But, no, I think I've found out where all the smart people go, who don't want to be scammed by large (GW-like) corporations. :disappoin

So, I guess as in my thread title, I have found my calling, as far as war gaming goes. I haven't actually played yet, because I'm waiting for my local game store to get some stock in, and then I'm going to be playing as often as I can, and trying to get others involved, too. I know so many people who would easily through down $50 or so to have enough to actually play.

I hope that made some sense, but I had to have my war gaming rant.

Next stop, learning to paint...I guess there are a few obstacles on the way. :\

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There it is. Malifaux helps people find their place in the world.

Welcome. You'll definitely enjoy your stay. And yes, you are missing something. Malifaux is so awesome that you'll end up buying every model you can get just because.

I think I have around 10 crews now.

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There it is. Malifaux helps people find their place in the world.

Welcome. You'll definitely enjoy your stay. And yes, you are missing something. Malifaux is so awesome that you'll end up buying every model you can get just because.

I think I have around 10 crews now.

Well, I hope that collection came over some time! I do plan to get way into it, but I would like to spread it out over time, if that's even possible. :|
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dgraz is right! If you like it you'll collect as much as you can. The thing is, it's a LOT easier with this than a LOT of games around. I spread out all my Guild stuff and snapped a picture earlier. I have everything made for the Guild so far, and duplicates of a few of the models, and more duplicates planned.

It's Wyrd how addictive it is!

Welcome to the community. If you need anything PLEASE ask away!

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It is a fun game, and cheap to get started. And unlike some game systems that hook you in on the cheap and then you have to pay lots more money to make your force properly playable, this game you only buy things you want, because you want to, not because you need to.

You invest as much or as little as you choose. But like dgraz and Ciaran said, you will probably choose to buy plenty over time.

Welcome to the crazy, addictive and awesome world that is Malifaux!

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It's Wyrd how addictive it is!

~groans~ oh deary, deary me... ~hides a dead kipper under your car seat~ heheheh.

Welcmoe to Malifaux Vitriohl, I hope you remembered to get all your luggage off the train as it's already gone back to your former world (so to late if you forgot a case that has all your medication or whatever), here's a couple of csrip to buy yourself a drink :D

Oh, if you see any giant toothy teddy bears, it's because they put something in the water. I swear it's the water as I swore off the rum and I'm still seeing them!

And some advice... The Guild are bullies, Showgirls are awesome and Lady Justice only wears that blindfold for effect and to hide they fact she singed her eyebrows off trying to light a cigar whilst standing on her head and juggling baby tigers with her feet. Oh, and Dead Hookers come cheap :D

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yep, our trick it to make it cheap enough to buy that next crew to try something fun and new that there is never a good time to stop growing your collection...evil aren't we :D

Welome! Great to hear that the game and models caught your attention. I hope you have a lot of fun with it, and of course feel free to enjoy time here in the forums, we have a ton of great people around.

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