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Modular, destructable walls for your gaming table


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I plan on making destructible walls for my sewer board, but I thought I would experiment a bit first. This also gave me a chance to add some stand-alone walls to my Malifaux table.

I picked up the PDF textures from Dave Graffam Models. These are from the "Walls of Rakes Corner" set.

As with my Malifaux table, the general method is to print the PDFs onto A4-sized label paper, cut it out and stick it to black, 5mm foamcore.

The Rakes Corner walls are not modular and I like everything to be modular. I toyed with magnets, but decided to try something simpler. These pics show how the 6" foamcore walls have tabs that slot into 4-sided joining pieces:-





After that, I made some 4" walls to try makuing sections that could be attacked and destroyed (it's in the rulebook!). I tried a few jagged shapes before settling on cutting out a shape that followed the bricks. Can you spot the removable section? :) :-



And here is the finished article:-


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Congratulations, a truly novel approach to this problem that is well executed.

I am thinking the terralinx stuff from World Works would be easy enough to do this with as well (more so since it already has the tabs and slots designed in).

I have been eagerly anticipating the Malifaux specific terraclips line for this as well (I am hoping they will presale at GenCon this year).

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There are two reasons I didn't use WWG Terrainlinx. First, my existing table is all WWG Himmelveil, and I wanted to change the colour palette. Secondly, Terrainlinx tabs go the other way, and slot in from the top. This leaves the tops of the pillars exposed, which is fine for Terrainlinx since you are meant to put floors on top of them, but not for these walls. I am sure you could kitbash something, however, if you really wanted the WWG look.

Me making all this terrain is analogous to a Neanderthal scratching drawings of bison on the walls of caves - by making my own crude representations I hope to cause the real thing to appear ;)

EDIT: Am I spooky or what?

Edited by Sholto
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Hey, look at the doors! The doors that open!


The upright posts that are next to the large building have magnets in them. Those magnets sync up with magnets already in the walls of the large building.

PS. Since I took this photo I have added posters to the walls.


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