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Basics of Puppet war

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Can someone just give a quick overall review of puppet wars. Something descriptive. I see the models coming out and I see cool alternate art/scupts of the existing Malifaux minis. Will it be an similar play style to Malifaux or a different mechanism / game / story.

I see website with similar name as the one posted in the forums, which I don't believe is affiliated Wyrd. I won't post it here but if you dig threw TableTopGamingNewssite you'll find it with the other real posts on the wyrd version.

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Best place to point you would be here http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18558

It has some chat about puppet wars with hints that it will be some sort of fast paced boardgame of sorts. Ofcourse that could all be aimed to lure us (+3mask for the the rotten belles about) away from the puppets true intentions.

And the pic of the executioner puppet is genuine. the preview pics of a few can be found in this topic http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=21592

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