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Basing tutorials


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Hi everyone!

I have to say, I only just heard about Malifaux about 2 weeks ago but I've been enthralled ever since. I've been playing 49k for the last 10 years and thought it would be a good idea to broaden my horizons and this seems like the perfect game for me.

As my Lady Justice and Perdita box sets are still waiting to be delivered, I had a couple of questions I'm hoping you guys could answer for me.

1) Are there any basing tutorials on the web? My 40k army usually gets the PVA glue and flock treatment and nothing more than that. I purchased a set of the graveyard bases from Wyrd because every time I saw someone with a Malifaux mini, they always had these cool looking bases. I've read a few tips here and there about using brass wire and pin vices but nothing like a solid, step by step guide to adding a custom base.

2) Are there any quick star rules available? My fiance has become more and more intrigued with my miniature hobby and decided to give this game a shot after seeing how cool Perdita and her gang looked. I don't want to overwhelm her with the rules for the first game and possibly dissuade her from playing so I'm wondering if there is a simple guide out there to get the game started within a few minutes or so just to test out the mechanics.

Thanks for your help.

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Welcome to the Wyrdness.

http://www.coolminiornot.com/ has tons of tutorials about everything.

There was a nice tutorial on http://handcannononline.com/ recently.

and I saw some cool ones here a while back http://www.necrotales.com/

No quickstart rules that I'm aware of, but the new rules manual is very concise. It's cheap, but doesn't have all the really great fluff - it is just straight rules.

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What effect are you looking for? This would help a ton. If you're using the graveyard bases glue the models on and call it a day. There are a ton of things you can do to a base. Here is flock and a shrub... plain but it works.


Here is some black fine and coarse ballast that was PVA glued to the base then drybrushed.


then you have broken terrain pieces that were recycled.


and finally the Wyrd base inserts and other companies resin inserts.


I did a mix of static grass and sand on my Perdita.


Let us know what effect and we can help.

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I'm not looking for any specific kind of effect, just something that would look nice and compliment my Death Marshal's set.

I'm considering purchasing the graveyard baseset offered by Wyrd because I thought it would be interesting to pair them up together but the entire procedure somewhat worries me. I've always just based my minis using the one provided. Something about snapping off that pewter lining that will snugly fit into place with the base makes me feel uneasy about the whole process.

In some tutorials I've read, the process requires brass wire and drilling into the pewter to secure the custom base to the mini but I don't want to go through all of that if I don't have to.

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