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Viktorias Help


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- Hi peoples! I learned Malifaux about a month ago and I picked up The Neverborn (Pandora Starter, Fate Deck, Rules Manual, and Tape measure). I wanted a "cute" killer army (Teddies, babies, etc.).

- Unfortunately, not only is she difficult to learn, but she's very hated. Because I play for fun, I ended up picking up The Dreamer but wasn't to my liking. I just picked up The Viktorias box last night but have NO IDEA what works well with her. I love her fluff. I play 35ss or 50 ss games.

Any suggestions? Lists? Models? Tactica? etc.


Barby :girl:

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the viks dont really need any specific models to work with them just as long as its a merc it'll do the job however Ronin, the Freikorps Librarian and the Convict Gunslinger are some of the better options then someone like Taelor or Von Schill for more damage.

check out the pull my finger wiki for tactica on them http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/

Edited by Scurry
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Ok so after playing a few games with the Viks, I find that they themselves are good but have no support from her crew. No synergy. I currently only have the Viks box and the F. Librarian which is awesome for the healing flip. I read the Wiki but I don't see the specialness in the Viks right now. I have yet to win a game with them and I have played 5 games. :wallbash: Anyone mind helping me out? :frusty:


Barby :sad2:

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They come down to two things for me, 1) List Composition and 2) Mastering the Vik's companion abilities (Like Sisters in Spirit, and Sisters in Battle).

1) As for list composition, the first thing you should keep in mind is that you NEED soulstones. My rule of thumb is 5 minimum, and as a new Vik player you would probably way to have 6+. They are far to fragile to NOT have stones.

I guess as far as list composition goes, the Mercs almost always have a model for any situation you may find yourself in. The key is learning which models work and when. This is something you'll need to figure out, but I can list some models that I use often.

-Von Schill

-F. Librarian

-F. Trapper

-F. Specialist

-Convict Gunslinger



-Desperate Mercs (proxy for another week or so)

-Student of Conflict


2) Mastering things like Sisters in Spirit is key. Even opponents who have played against the Viks before are often taken by surprise when one Vik slingshots the other across the board and right into their face. SiS can also be useful for capturing objectives, or swapping models on the fly to try and screw up your opponent's plans for containing them.

Second, Sisters in Battle is what you use when something needs to die right away. Most people use SiB:Fury, as 5/6/8dg flips (especially paired with the sword Vik) are absolutely brutal. However, using this ability can take away precious (1) actions needed for SiS slingshots and will slow you down. Again, it's all about learning when to use what ability.

Also, remember that when you do things like use a model to heal/buff 1 Vik, it applies to both (As does Sisters in Battle).

Realistically, the Viks are pretty straightforward masters, and then need support from their crew. Their straightforwardness can make them seem easy to counter, but if you can master the art of timing and pick a crew that will support you for the job at hand, they can become incredibly devastating masters.

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- Thank you Necromorph. It seems that my problem is with the list composition. I use SIS and SIB: Fury A LOT and have the measurements down packed. It just seems that she's the only one doing anything.

Here's what I think of my list broken down:

Bishop- Not a favorite model. Good amount of health and good CB with Cage Fighter but it seems like he's only good when he's being attacked and missed and if he's able to set off his triggers.

F. Librarian- I like this model. PERIOD. I love the healing flip, extra card in hand, and Counterspell.

Taelor- I like the fact that she's Hard to Kill and Hard to Wound 1 but I REALLY like her for the Hammerstrike cheese of pushing my own models up 3".

R.S. Johan- Don't like this guy at all. He just stays up for a long time because of Hard to Kill and Slow to Die.

The Viks- AWESOME! I love them because of their melee attack, SIS, and SIB. I think their health is too low compared to casters like Pandora, LCB, Lady Justice, etc. Also, I ordered a Ronin because I think "Another One?" is just awesome.

As you can tell, I need help on making a good 35ss list. I know I like the Viks, Ronin, and the F.Librarian but I don't know where to go from there as far as caster buffs/support.



They come down to two things for me, 1) List Composition and 2) Mastering the Vik's companion abilities (Like Sisters in Spirit, and Sisters in Battle).

Realistically, the Viks are pretty straightforward masters, and then need support from their crew. Their straightforwardness can make them seem easy to counter, but if you can master the art of timing and pick a crew that will support you for the job at hand, they can become incredibly devastating masters.

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the only real caster they have other than the librarian is hamelin.

against low wp crews he is awsome running your opponents models off the board or forcing them to hit their own crew.

for support a ranged option like von schill, the trapper or gunslinger are your best bet.

i personally have never even attempted to cast another one because you normally need to spend a ss to cost it on top of the 2 the spell needs making it a bit too expensivem, better to use them to damage prevent/buff defense flips.

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Yeah, I think a Convict Gunslinger is probably what you're missing, Barby. I know I haven't played my Viks for quite a while either, and it's partly because I just haven't had the time to pick up either the Freikorps or the Gunslinger. But the list Scurry posted is overall a really great list for 35SS. In general, I like to try and shoot for the full 8 SS when I can though, so I would consider dropping Taelor and going with a 3rd Ronin instead or perhaps the Freikorps Trapper, depending on your objectives.

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I have found the Korps Box is a good one to have as a Viks player. Von Schill, the Librarian (which you already have, but they aren't rare, so you could run 2 if you really wanted) and the Trapper are all solid models, and the Specialist and regular troops aren't bad in the right situations.

Jack Daw adds some unique options to your crew. He has some great denial (wonderful for assassination runs) as well as a decent threat with his heart stopper trigger. The main down side is that he uses masks, which is the Viks bread and butter (for Whirlwind). But he is still a model that many opponents feel they need to consider/contend with (and if they don't deal with him you can usually kill a model and gain a VP for it!).

Some would call me crazy, but I love Misaki. Using her effectively requires a lot of effort, otherwise she'll just run in and get killed. But she is also a great threatening tool (4/6/8 damage from one spell, 6" range from another) that works well as a clean-up or flanking piece.

I agree with your thoughts on Bishop and Johan. Bishop is too expensive for what he does and having a Ronin is better points-wise than Johan (until they come out with another M&SU Merc).

I also agree that list composition is key to using the Viks well: think about strats and schemes and plan accordingly. Mercs have tough models, fast models, high damage models, denial models... Play around with them to see how you enjoy running them, and pick schemes to match that play-style and models to compliment that and your strategy. Proxy when you can :)

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I like Johann. If you can squeeze both him and Taelor into a crew, it gives you such a solid centre. They are great for games where you need to seize and hold on objective and using knockback to clear enemies away from an objective is always fun.... especially when it involves a fall from a great height !

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Thanks Scurry!! :dancing:I will most definetly try this list out since it's all stuff that I own (don't own but ordered Ronin and Convict Gunslinger). Thanks!

no her box isnt very good. convict gunslinger is prob next thing i would get and run:


Ronin x2 (10)

Gunslinger (5)

Librarian (7)

Taelor (8)

= 30 with a cache of 5

I totally agree about the list LoboStele! I'm gonna try it out. Thank you! :)

Yeah, I think a Convict Gunslinger is probably what you're missing, Barby. I know I haven't played my Viks for quite a while either, and it's partly because I just haven't had the time to pick up either the Freikorps or the Gunslinger. But the list Scurry posted is overall a really great list for 35SS. In general, I like to try and shoot for the full 8 SS when I can though, so I would consider dropping Taelor and going with a 3rd Ronin instead or perhaps the Freikorps Trapper, depending on your objectives.

Absolutely GTFriday! Glad we agree. As far as schemes go I normally/usually do Thwart, First Blood, and/or Eye for and Eye. And don't worry., I'll keep everyone posted on how the list goes.

Some would call me crazy, but I love Misaki. Using her effectively requires a lot of effort, otherwise she'll just run in and get killed. But she is also a great threatening tool (4/6/8 damage from one spell, 6" range from another) that works well as a clean-up or flanking piece.

I agree with your thoughts on Bishop and Johan. Bishop is too expensive for what he does and having a Ronin is better points-wise than Johan (until they come out with another M&SU Merc).

I also agree that list composition is key to using the Viks well: think about strats and schemes and plan accordingly. Mercs have tough models, fast models, high damage models, denial models... Play around with them to see how you enjoy running them, and pick schemes to match that play-style and models to compliment that and your strategy. Proxy when you can :)


Barby :guns:

Edited by Barby007
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I like Jack with eth Viks as it doe sgive you the ability to really mess with the other crew, if you can snag their master/important model on the edge of his no cheat ss use aura then charge a vik in so they are outside it, not much survives. Plus he gives you access to The Hanged which also play Wp games and give another dimension to the vikkies.

Von Schill is also fantastic to run with them as he is so mobile and is very durable plus then you are basically running a crew that has 3 masters (plus he is a good crew buffer)

The others that you have stated you like with Taelor and the Librarian they are both rock solid and good fun

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Ronin x2 (10)

Gunslinger (5)

Librarian (7)

Taelor (8)

= 30 with a cache of 5

That's pretty much the best there is! I've run variations of it, but I keep coming back to this configuration as my standard.

I like Johann. If you can squeeze both him and Taelor into a crew, it gives you such a solid centre.

I agree. I like using Johan despite what other people say about him... However, sometimes he feels redundant to me. By that I mean, he dishes out the damage, but that's not what the Vicks need more of. They need more flexibility, more variety. For example a trapper or Haemilin.

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I like Jack with eth Viks as it doe sgive you the ability to really mess with the other crew, if you can snag their master/important model on the edge of his no cheat ss use aura then charge a vik in so they are outside it, not much survives. Plus he gives you access to The Hanged which also play Wp games and give another dimension to the vikkies.

unfortunatley you cannot take the hanged with the viks since their rule overrides jacks (same with hamelins height 1 ability) all models in the crew must be mercs

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Yeah, I think a Convict Gunslinger is probably what you're missing, Barby. I know I haven't played my Viks for quite a while either, and it's partly because I just haven't had the time to pick up either the Freikorps or the Gunslinger. But the list Scurry posted is overall a really great list for 35SS. In general, I like to try and shoot for the full 8 SS when I can though, so I would consider dropping Taelor and going with a 3rd Ronin instead or perhaps the Freikorps Trapper, depending on your objectives.

If you buy the Freikorps boxset then the Trapper is a nice alternative to the Gunslinger. I usually use 3 Ronin, a Librarian, and one of these two at 35 points, keeping a high soulstone cache to make sure that the Viks can boost their attacks when needed.

Von Schill and the rest of his crew fits in well for higher point games or Brawls.

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What do you guys think of running Hans in with these lists? I'm looking at Viks with a more Friekorps vibe (I got the Von Schill box first and am only really adding the Viks under duress), however was looking to trade some Friekorps out for maybe Taelor and/or maybe the Gunslinger...

Hans ability to headshot though seems great on paper but is he really worth it?

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Well, one nice thing about Hans is that he tends to use different cards than the Viks (Hans wants Rams or Crows, the Viks want Masks, mostly). So he works out nice that way.

I really like running the Viks, Hans, and a Student of Conflict. Then, in one key round, the SoC gives Fast to one of the Viks. Since it's an (All) action, the SoC ends up getting stuck somewhere, while the Viks charge forward, and then he's not in range to grant out Fast again (typically). If you plan it right, you instead have Hans in range to get the Fast bonus on the following round. :thumb:

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Thanks. Am I understanding correctly though (new to Malifaux) that the Viks dont get the usual 5ss that most masters get, instead they have to play at a "handicap". So if I want a 5ss cache I need to play a 35 point game with 30 points of models?

Edit: Oh I get it, its because her Cache is 0 that they get no ss's free without losing models. I'm used to Pandora (my story is identicle to OP's) who has the 5. I didn't realise that wasn't normal...

If so that's going to make it a little tight. Working on memory here but am thinking:


Von Schill

Friekorps Librarian

Friekorps Specialist

Taelor (possibly switched out for Hans?)

That's a little thin, that's 30ss leaving 5 in hand, should I be rethinking things a little? (Sorry to hijack thread but keeping on topic) Would I be better instead of Taelor or Hans to just stick with the Trapper (or maybe gunslinger) and a Friekorpsman to boslter numbers a little?

Edited by Koschai
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- First, I'm glad to see that my forum is helping not only me, but other Viks players. I think she is great but her company needs work. Also, her fluff is amazing. The fluff is what attracted me to get her.

- Also, I spoke to Karn and I'm beginning to write my own bit of tactica for the Viks based on my personal experience and interpretation. As soon as I'm done, I'll be sending it to Karn for review and will let you guys know what the finality is.

Thanks everyone for your help. Keep The Viks ideas coming!!


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Okay starting to figure all this out. So follow question as I have the Viks and the Friekorps box.

I'm looking at Hans, Gunslinger, Taelor and a pack of Ronin. Now necessarily wanting to buy them all if I'm unlikely to use them (given the 0 cache thing and that we play at 35ss) which of these should be higher priority purchases or should I snag the lot to give me that flexibility?

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- Hands down RONINS are a must. The Viks ability "Another One" is just awesome. It's like, having a back-up in case you miscalculate and get one of your Viks killed.

- Taelor is good too cause you use her for the cheese... She pushes models within 3" of her 3" away from her so you use her to push the Viks up 3" before even activating.

- As far as Hans and Gunslinger goes, I haven't played them although I did order a Convict Gunslinger. When I play the Convict, I'll let you know.

Good luck and thanks,


Okay starting to figure all this out. So follow question as I have the Viks and the Friekorps box.

I'm looking at Hans, Gunslinger, Taelor and a pack of Ronin. Now necessarily wanting to buy them all if I'm unlikely to use them (given the 0 cache thing and that we play at 35ss) which of these should be higher priority purchases or should I snag the lot to give me that flexibility?

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Okay so having picked up some more models last night the list I am looking at is:


Von Schill

Friekorps Librarian

Friekorps Specialist


Convict Gunsliger

However that is 35ss and with the Viks cache of zero that leaves me with no soulstones. Assuming this is a bad thing, what should I drop?

I'm guessing you will say the Specialist, however I like him and like the template attacks. Plus I still want a Friekorps vibe to the list as that was my whole purpose here, the other models just really crept in to make me more competitive. Should I trade out Taelor or something cheaper or drop the Gunslinger (shame as I just bought him!)?

The alternative is that I talk my friends into upping the ante to 40ss, however I'm not certain how this list will stand up to the nastiness other gangs can field at 40ss..? One of my most frequent opponents is McMourning with a lot of dogs...

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Yeah, the Viks and Von Schill without ANY soulstones is a definite no-no. Dropping either Taelor or the Gunsmith only leaves you 6 activations, which is pretty low overall, especially if you tend to face stuff like McMourning. Though the difference between 6 and 7 activations is probably a wash, LOL. I would drop either Taelor, the Gunslinger, or the Specialist, whichever you like the least. I find that the Viks play best with as many Soulstones as you can possibly give them.

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