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New guild player, have some questions


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Just had my first game and a few questions have arisen that i'm hoping you folks can help with. Was playing with another first time player.

Played Ortegas Vs Showgirls. I lost cause i was in the typical wargamer mentality of kill everything, which i did except for a wounded Collette but lost because of strategies and Schemes. Oh well, love the system. Great change of flavor from eleven years of warhammer/40K/BFG

Anyway, questions (and if possible page refs)

1) With lucius' reinforcement power (the other crew i have but havent used yet), do those models need to be bought from my soul stone pool or are they free and just brought on the board?

2) Walk and striking, are these actions i can do multiple times a turn or just once?

3) Got my Perdidta killed first turn by Collette and a mech dove casting a spell that targets a soul stone user and does some stuff as well as damage. How was i supposed to avoid that?

4) when a red joker comes up for a flip, what exactly happens next?

5) With companion(Family) it seems like i am able to activate the entire Ortega crew at once, is that correct? and how exactly does it happen. I.E. If Fransisco is 6 inches from Papa and papa is 6 inches from Santiago can all three activate (picture a straight line of figures) or must they all be within 6 inches of each other (Picture a cluster)?

6) When a soul stone is used the card values are added to the duel, with a cheat its replaced with a card? Is that correct? and when looking to activate triggers after a cheat are you using the suit of any cards played during the duel or just the current card. (Prior to the damage flips of course)

7) when choosing crews what exactly am i limited to? For instance, with Ortegas, can i take anything from the Guild? What specifically costs +1SS and what can i not choose? With Lucius, what can I not choose? Could i take a peace keeper for example? Can i take ressurectionist characters or arcanists in a crew with Perdita as the master?

8) So, by week's end i'll have the following stuff in addition to what i already have: Perdita box, Lucius Box, +2 Guild Guards, Austringer, Abrulita Ortega, Drill Sergent. What am i missing to make two great crews? Thought about the governor's proxy for theme's sake but he seems like he could be a lot better? Thoughts on that specific one too?

Thanks for any insight.


Edited by Thechosenone
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I think all of your questions would basically be answered by carefully re-reading the rules manual. In any case, I'm going to try my best to help you along little camper.

Just had my first game and a few questions have arisen that i'm hoping you folks can help with. Was playing with another first time player.

Played Ortegas Vs Showgirls. I lost cause i was in the typical wargamer mentality of kill everything, which i did except for a wounded Collette but lost because of strategies and Schemes. Oh well, love the system. Great change of flavor from eleven years of warhammer/40K/BFG

Probably the most important lesson any of us can learn from this game.

Anyway, questions (and if possible page refs)

1) With lucius' reinforcement power (the other crew i have but havent used yet), do those models need to be bought from my soul stone pool or are they free and just brought on the board?

Friendly model already on the board. No free models, no rezzing dead models.

2) Walk and striking, are these actions i can do multiple times a turn or just once?

As many times as you have AP to do them.

3) Got my Perdidta killed first turn by Collette and a mech dove casting a spell that targets a soul stone user and does some stuff as well as damage. How was i supposed to avoid that?

May want to re-read the rules on prevention flips.

4) when a red joker comes up for a flip, what exactly happens next?

Bells, whistles, joyful yammering. Red Joker means whatever you were flipping for just got a score of 14-if you pull it on a healing flip, you get all your health back.

5) With companion(Family) it seems like i am able to activate the entire Ortega crew at once, is that correct? and how exactly does it happen. I.E. If Fransisco is 6 inches from Papa and papa is 6 inches from Santiago can all three activate (picture a straight line of figures) or must they all be within 6 inches of each other (Picture a cluster)?

The wording as far as I have it basically says your straight line would work. Though you'll want to get a second opinion.

6) When a soul stone is used the card values are added to the duel, with a cheat its replaced with a card? Is that correct? and when looking to activate triggers after a cheat are you using the suit of any cards played during the duel or just the current card. (Prior to the damage flips of course)

Replaced. Current card.

7) when choosing crews what exactly am i limited to? For instance, with Ortegas, can i take anything from the Guild? What specifically costs +1SS and what can i not choose? With Lucius, what can I not choose? Could i take a peace keeper for example? Can i take ressurectionist characters or arcanists in a crew with Perdita as the master?

Anything from the Guild. Mercenaries cast +1SS. If you just play Lucius take a gander at his character card...it will tell you exactly what you want to know.

8) So, by week's end i'll have the following stuff in addition to what i already have: Perdita box, Lucius Box, +2 Guild Guards, Austringer, Abrulita Ortega, Drill Sergent. What am i missing to make two great crews? Thought about the governor's proxy for theme's sake but he seems like he could be a lot better? Thoughts on that specific one too?

You seem pretty well off. If I were you I'd play a few more games first and then decide based on your experience.

Thanks for any insight.


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Some clarifications

1) With lucius' reinforcement power (the other crew i have but havent used yet), do those models need to be bought from my soul stone pool or are they free and just brought on the board?

The models come from your deployment zone, so the area on the board you can set up in.

3) Got my Perdidta killed first turn by Collette and a mech dove casting a spell that targets a soul stone user and does some stuff as well as damage. How was i supposed to avoid that?

That spell has a range of 3 inches. So firstly they would have got to have got very close. Each Dove can cast it only once a turn. You can use soulstone to increase you resist flip. But it is Colette's main way of damaging people.

4) when a red joker comes up for a flip, what exactly happens next?

Depend swhen you flip it

in a duel it counts as a 14 of any one suit.

In damage prevention it prevents all damage

in a healing flip it heals back to full health

In a damage flip it counts as a severe and also allows and extra flip on the damage chart (uncheatable)

6) When a soul stone is used the card values are added to the duel, with a cheat its replaced with a card? Is that correct? and when looking to activate triggers after a cheat are you using the suit of any cards played during the duel or just the current card. (Prior to the damage flips of course)

Correct Cheat replaces, soulstone adds.

For example I have a stat of 3 Tomes. I flip over a 7 masks. I cheat in a 10 crows and then soulstone giving me a 1 rams. My final total is 14 tome crow ram. (The 7 masks was cheated over so doesn't count towards the duel total). I can use this to activate at most 1 trigger from that stat.

7) when choosing crews what exactly am i limited to? For instance, with Ortegas, can i take anything from the Guild? What specifically costs +1SS and what can i not choose? With Lucius, what can I not choose? Could i take a peace keeper for example? Can i take ressurectionist characters or arcanists in a crew with Perdita as the master?

General rule is your master can hire anything from its own faction and up to 2 mercenaries. (Special forces are restricted to 2 per crew unless the relevant henchman is in the crew)

Some models have extra hiring options, others have restrictions. Lucius can only hire certain types of models ( and so he can only hire those that fit the right type and follow the in faction or mercenary general requirement).

Models hired from another faction cost 1 soulstone more than cost unless you have a special rule for hiring them that says otherwise.

For Example Hoffman can hire Arcanist constructs, but because his special rule doesn't mention price they all cost 1 soulstone more than printed.

8) So, by week's end i'll have the following stuff in addition to what i already have: Perdita box, Lucius Box, +2 Guild Guards, Austringer, Abrulita Ortega, Drill Sergent. What am i missing to make two great crews? Thought about the governor's proxy for theme's sake but he seems like he could be a lot better? Thoughts on that specific one too?

That will get you 2 good crews for games, and will also allow you to field quite a large Perdita crew if you want ( since she has no special hiring restrictions all of the models in your Lucius Crew can be fielded in her crew as well as long as you don't have more than 2 elite division without Lucius).

Govenors proxy is good, but in different ways to the drill sergent. I like using the drill sergent with Lucius and linking him to Ryle for the controlled push, or to the guard Captain for a great melee threat. But it does mean he wil almost never cast one of Lucius' spells via magical extension when the Proxy has a much better chance

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Ill add that, tactically, Malifaux is a game ruled by melee. The scale is so small and the distances so short, and the majority of objectives require up close and personal board presence.

The problem that I had with Guild that I rapidly resolved was trying to run them as a ranged army, since traditional gaming says that this is possible. The Guild arent't really a ranged faction, they're just a faction with more ranged options. You need to have a strong melee board presence or that awesome shooting wot do anything for you; think of ranged as a support function, rather than a primary function. Super fast lists like Collette, Nephilim, Kirai, etc will absolutely take you apart otherwise, even if theyre badly played and you play well.

As an example, my current Perdita list includes only 17/35 points of ranged models and even 7 points of that is at least 'melee capable', and Perdita is soon to be straight replaced by Hoffman.

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Malifaux is pretty versitile gameplay wise. I think the correlation between shooting and terrain is crucial. Shooting does alot better when there is terrain to duck behind. Perdita is definately able to handle herself in combat because she has gun fighter which allows her to use her guns in CC. Pair that with execute and quickdraw and somethings going to die fast. The best teacher is practice, it was hard for me to transition to VP's as well but now I cant picture it any other way.

Also Colettes Magicians Duel (the one you mentioned) does work against Perdita is good but you could still defend. Not nearly as bad as it is if you had Von Schill who would be reduced to a CA of 1 for defense.

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thanks again for the good info.

just a few more questions and clarifications. With point seven regarding choosing a crew am i restricted from mixing models from other sides in the game. It says "faction" and to me that's not immediately clear. So for example, i can't have ice golems running around with Lucius right?

Regarding point three, my opponent clearly made a mistake concerning range on that spell. No big deal, first game errors are what they are.

With the reinforcements spell, so basically i'd be declaring models "buried" and taking them from a side board when that spell is cast but they are still paid for from my soul stone pool and not brought on as a free summons kind of thing yes?

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just a few more questions and clarifications. With point seven regarding choosing a crew am i restricted from mixing models from other sides in the game. It says "faction" and to me that's not immediately clear. So for example, i can't have ice golems running around with Lucius right?

Generally you have to stay in-faction when hiring, a few Masters (not that few actually, but still) have rules that allow them to hire from elsewhere, but it's not the norm.

Most Masters can take up to two Mercenaries however (mostly Outcasts, but not all Outcasts are Mercenaries!).

That said - Lucius is a Henchman, which means he has some further restrictions on what he's allowed to hire - ie. he can't even take most of the Guild line.

With the reinforcements spell, so basically i'd be declaring models "buried" and taking them from a side board when that spell is cast but they are still paid for from my soul stone pool and not brought on as a free summons kind of thing yes?

No, you place everyone on the board, then - when you cast the spell - you move the chosen model from one area of the board (your deployment zone) to within 3" of Lucius (technically not a move though).

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There are 5 factions

Guild (red), Arcanists (blue), Ressurectionist (green), Neverborne (purple) and Outcast (yellow). Each model is a member of one of these factions.

When you start the game you choose a faction to play, you would then flip for stratergy and them choose your crew. The Crew will be all from that faction (with the possible exception of mercenary models and special rules from your crew).

With what you have, you only have Guild models, so you would choose Guild as a faction, and when you hire your Leader you would currently pick eitehr Perdita or Lucius. Perdita is allowed to hire any guild model, and up to two mercenaries. If Lucius is your leader you are restricted by him to only be allowed Guardsmen, totems and Elite division. You can hire from guild and upto two mercenaries still, but all models must fit both requirements, so for example you wouldn't be allowed to hire a ressurectionist guardsman, but you could hire a outcast mercenary totem.

For re-enforcements it is cast on a model on the gameboard. That model must be within 18 inches of Lucius and also be within the area of the board you deployed in. It is useful for moving slow models forward, or bringing back people that had to go back there for some reason (Maybe they were carrying a treasure marker or ran away).

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