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Fairly new to Malifaux looking at the shooty Guild.


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Hello everyone. I just got into Malifaux about 3-4 weeks ago because of my g/f. She likes the concept of Malifaux. I play Warmachine (Cygnar) and Hordes (Trollbloods). She plays Hordes (Circle Orboros).

Anyways, for Malifaux she loves the Neverborn and got the Pandora box with Teddy, Stitched Togethers, and a Doppleganger. She's just recently picked up The Dreamer and Daydreams which she intends to mix with her other stuff. I went Arcanist and got the Marcus box with the Jackalope and Shakome.

I played some games and at first I thought the box sucked. I read up and asked for advice on the forums as to working Marcus. With time, I realized it isn't my playstyle at all. As a mostly Cygnar player, I really enjoy, and am good at, the shooty style of play. I'm wondering what suggestions you guys have on some good shooty lists.

I've heard that the Guild and Outcasts are the way to go for shooty. I don't know much fluff or info about any of the factions so I don't know what to look for. Physically, the Lady Justice box appeals to me but she doesn't look shooty to me.

Also, I have the Marcus box with the Jackalope and Shakome built and primed black with the cards and some laminated tokens my g/f gave me. If anyone is interested in either buying it from me or trading, please let me know. I know money is tight and we can help each other out.



Edited by Atdeath
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If you go with Perdita, you could also do worse that getting Abuela Ortega and a Mercenary Gunslinger.

I often run a Peacekeeper with my Ortegas (and a lot of my guild crews). It's expensive (both ways), but it's fast, tough, and can dish it out.

If you run Marcus more, you might take a look at the Mole Men. They're kinda slow, but I had some fairly good results with them. (That burrowing thing is great for getting them to objectives that aren't too far away.)

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I have been playing for much longer than you ... almost 6 weeks! :) and had been running the Lady Justice box + Scales of Justice every game. Started getting used to the pace of play but wanted to try the Ortegas for the same reason you mention, fire power.

O ... My .... Gawd! If you want shooty then you have the perfect crew. The field of fire they lay down is awesome, especially with Nino's 16" gattling gun range. Add to that Perdita (and her totem's) ability to cast Obey, and Papa Loco's ability to take out a cluster of opponents with "Take Yo With Me", well, let's just say I've fallen in love with a little lady with a six gun.

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Dont get too hung up on shooty. Malifaux is a game of melee, shooty is a support role not a primary role. You can play a list that is shootier than most, but you can't play a list that is pure guns. You really need at a minimum one very solid melee model like Peacekeeper and preferably more, because taking objectives, picking up counters, or defending against being charged from behind buildings by Nephilim etc doesn't work too well when all your guys want to be at range.

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i'm still trying to figure out why people love the peacekeeper that much? it's nice but it doesn't scream "OMG must take" in my lists

Because it's a big deathy death machine of death. Not that there aren't other options, but it's the best one by a margin due to it being the only speedy melee option we have.

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Well after all is said end done, I ended up with the Lady Justice box which is the total opposite of what I thought I would like. I LOVE her. Going to go start a thread on her now. Thanks for all your advice. It really helped in my decision.


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