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Moving over to Rezzers


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Hey everyone, some of you may know me by now but I'm moving over to Rezzers. My first faction was the Arcanists and I played Ramos and my friend played Lady justice. Those were not happy times. So them I decided to try Neverborn. I got my Lilith box set and happily pained them up. I then came to realize that their stuff is just not to my liking. Except for Teddy, oh how I adore that model. Long story short, I'm switching factions yet again. I'm looking at Seamus and Kirai right now. I've read a bit on thier tactics and stuff. Any more advice for a Rezzer noob?

Oh and my friend is switching factions as well, he feels bad when he plays his Guild.

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I hope you like swarming :P I don't play Rezzers personally, but whenever I fight people who do, everytime I kill something of theirs I think "Damnit, you're just going to make more of those, aren't you?"

Having fought both Kirai and Seamus, I noticed that the Kirai player tended to keep her back while her spirits moved in, whereas Seamus sent his Belles one way and he and his totem another to hit me with a two-pronged strike. Rezzers feel free to correct me, but from what I saw of each master:

If you want a straightforward-ish crew with a Master that does just fine on his own, freeing his troops up to wreak additional havok, go with Seamus.

If you want a tricky master with tons of unit synergy and a more summoning and support playstyle, go with Kirai.

Just out of curiosity, what didn't you like about Lilith/Neverborn?

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I like the Neverborn but there isnt a lot of aesthetic choices that go along with the setting of Malifaux. Lilith her self is a great master but the need to get blood tokens and then grow or evolve to get a mature nephilim is in my opinion not really worth it. Every time I played her crew, my terror tots accomplish nothing before they die. The Mature Neph kills 1 maybe two models and then he himself dies. I Then have to get Lilith in there. (this is against Lady Justice). Oh I missed my first attack, Df trigger! smack lilith just took damage in my turn. I can never kill what I need to kill. The Neverborn is a great faction yes but their stuff is not self reliant. baby kade is not the same unless you have Candy or a teddy. What the hell is a silurid? Tree baboons that move forests? The Dreamer? What? Df 2 with 4 wounds? Yea hes a spirit, but what? The Flavor just didnt settle with me that is all. When I first looked at Malifaux's fluff I immediatly thought wild west steampunk. Secret agendas, people like cowboys trying to restore order, all the meanwhile people are experimenting on zombies and reading forbidden texts in the sewer. A small naked baby with knifes for arms has no pivotal role in the story. Madam Sybelle, the belles and Molly do.

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Personal preferences I can definitely understand. I think that they designed the Neverborn to be the wild card, the unexpected force in the scheme of things. Which is part of the reason I was drawn to them, but I can definitely see how it could also push people away, especially since they are seen as the "bad guys".

As far as the story goes, the Neverborn are represented quite well (see the role that Zoraida and Pandora played in the fluff of book 1, and the Nephilim and the Dreamer in book 2).

I hope you have fun with the Ressers though :) They were actually my second favorite faction, but coming from Warmachine where I played Cryx (the reanimating undead faction of the game) you can understand my desire to play something different :P

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As a player who does both arcanists and ressers, I will say that yes it is true that you opponents will hate how much harder it is to keep your stuff down...however against lady j that your friend plays...picking kirai or seamus is a much smarter choice than mcmourning or nico( so that's a plus) since those 2 use corpse counters a lot less if at all. Personally I like both against lady j (when my other option is nicodem?) but seamus will stand up to her much better than kiari will.

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Seamus is always great fun, and you can build his crew a fair few different ways. In general they are very resilient and can be quite forgiving too.

For me it depends if you like the classic zombie horror (with a twist obviously!) or asian influenced aesthetic. Personally I prefer my Victorian horror.

As an aside if you want more ideas on how they play go to the Malifaux wiki here: http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/ . I'm still working on Seamus but its getting there.

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I don't mean to be rude...but why is it that nobody ever looks at McM or Nico?

Yeah, Seamus is nice with his rocket belles and handcannon, and Kirai has teleporting spirits...but what about Nico, who can summon virtually any model without a pulse, can do it up to three times AND does not have to injure himself to do it.

McMourning who heals whenever he hits something, ignores armor and hard to wound, has a spell that does 10 DAMAGE, oh and has a cache of SIX!

That's more than any master in the game.

My point is not really to rant but just to let people see that all the other factions have 4 masters...and so do we.

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I was actually drawn to nico long before seamus...actually...i still dont like him...theres just something about his model that irks me and he feels the least resser of the 4. I mean McM builds monsters from dead bodyparts, Kirai summons spirits of the dead, and Nico is the zombie master...Seamus only leads undead hookers which only gets you so far.

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Well I love playing both Seamus and McMourning, McMourning is very competitive but I dont think he is as forgiving when just starting out as Seamus is. I have been tempted to pick up Nico as I have basically the entire Resser line but at the moment I'm busy working on other models.

Go for whoever appeals to you, they are all really fun characters

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Hey long time lurker of the forums here finally decided to make an account.

I myself only play McMourning, when this first came out I was looking for a crew to play and his just jumped out at me and I've never regretted it. I like the mad scientist/Dr. Frankenstein theme to him. In my area there are a few resurrectionist players, I'm the only one that plays McMourning, there are no Nicodem, there are 2 Kirai, and 4 people that have Seamus crews.

It does seem that people tend to gravitate to Seamus and Kirai and ignore the other 2 masters of the undead. From what I've seen Seamus and Kirai are a lot more forgiving than McMourning, I wish I could comment on Nicodem but I've never seen him played maybe I'll get him as a second crew.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Canine Remains - You'll use these more than any other undead.

Rotten Belles, Crooked Men - Both good, cheap utility / bullet shields.

Nico likes summoning the Punk Zombies and Flesh Constructs

Levi prefers using the Steampunk Abominations and Desolation Engine(s)

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I play both Seamus and Kirai. I just don't feel an overwhelming drawn to the Doctor and the Undertaker, and I'm not certain why.

One of my favorite moments that happened recently was a game where I played Seamus Vs. the Dreamer in a 40SS game of shared treasure hunt. The treasure never moved all game. Rocket Belles got to the treasure very fast but could never spare the interact action to pick it up. The Dreamer's crew kept picking it up, and then had to keep dropping it from the lures of the massed belles. The game ended up being a massive slug fast in the middle of the board with Teddy, Coppelius, Stitched, and Chompy Going up against Seamus, Sybelle, Belles, and Onryos. The Dreamer player hadn't truly realized how resilient Seamus' crew was. His look of disbelief was priceless.

Game ended once Teddy went down to a pack of Belles and Seamus introduced Chompy to oblivion with his gun. Game ended 4-2 in Seamus' favor. Hard fought game the whole way but I can definitely recommend Seamus and his belles to a new Resser player.

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