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Rage's Malifaux Blog


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Lately I've been working on strengthening a number of hobby-related problems I've had for far too long.

1. Pinning- I've never really pinned my models before. I usually just relied on enough superglue, greenstuff, and enough spilled beer to stick everything together. The other weekend I picked up the basic pinning kit from GF9 and some smaller bits from our LGS, and I've just been going crazy with pinning together all these models I was too afraid to touch. So far I've pinned the entire Hoffman crew, a Peacekeeper, my Terror Tots, some Young Nephilim, a Steamborg, and Lilittu. I can't believe I've gone so long without doing this.

2. Basing- For the most part, my bases are always sand + static grass. Seeing all the various bases at Walpurgis really helped inspire me, so I'm fiddling around with various ideas for basing each of my factions. Right now I've been working on my Gremlins, aiming for a swampy theme. So far I've started work on a mosquito, though I'm thinking the tree might be a bit too distracting.


3. Terrain- I'm slowly starting work on a bayou themed board. I'll post more on this later.

4. Painting- Nah.

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Another update with the forest bases. Removed the Tots, Lilittu, and Young Nephilim from their old bases and pinned them on to these bases. The picture doesn't really do them justice, but I'll post it anyway. Should look much better once things start getting painted ;)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally finished assembling Nekima. It was absolute hell.

I chose not to use the base insert she came with, as it didn't match up with the bases I'll be using with Lillith. However, I'm unhappy with how stable she is currently, so I'll likely replace her base or pin it more extensively in the future.


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