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Playing against Hoffman

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Yeah, overwhelming with attacks is all you can do if you can't ignore armor. Oh score, didn't realize Self Mutilate did straight Wd, that makes them pretty awesome then.

If you get Slaughter or Contain Power, and need to engage the Construct Wall directly, then flurry is probably your best friend. Onryo's might not be bad in that case I guess. Generally though it's all about doing 1dg 7-10 times through armor +4 or more.

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I suggest ditching CCK and see if you can restructure to try and fit more models. Just use Seamus to:

1/ Make your Belles more mobile

2/ Draw fire from his relatively weak-hitting models

3/ Rezz your hookers when you have the cards

4/ use Live for Pain because its boss

5/ combo Seamus's (0) to Companion(Sybelle) -> simule activate all your hookers for a zerg rush O' deewm

Edited by Kha0tiK
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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont know about the CCK, He has a lot of low defence models, maybe try seamus's stratagem? jack daw won't help much, it would work against the headshot/slit jugular idea. also it he has WP duels out the wazoo. maybe try


Syble 6ss (she can make models ignore armour, not sure if its rstWP)

2x Belles 8ss(lure wont work, so use as roadblock and objective grabber)

2x Crooked 8ss(try for the paralyse trigger and better damage than belle)

2x Punk 10ss (dont forget self mutilate is WDS thus ignores armour)

Grave spirit 1ss

+2ss = 35ss

go for the out activate game, and just throw your guys at them. the peackeeper may be tricky. never played it. Stick the grave spirit on sybel and watch him slow to a crawl. HTW1 Regen1 Armour2 a ok def and flurry with good triggers will get in the way. If the Grave spirit casts face of terror(?) and get terryfying 14, what happens to hoffman if you get in range and he activates while linked in?

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Anything that ignores armour gives Hoffman massive issues. Ignore his constructs and go straight for him. Consider asking Kirai if she will loan you some of her spirits. A Shikome to Hoffman's face (or a Shikome to Guardian's face and then a second one to Hoffman's face...) can work.

Hoffman himself is the weak point in the Hoffball as long as you can get to him. Also take opportunities to pick off his totem (he depends on it a lot to cast and tap for fast) and any other small constructs that stay near him (such as Watcher). If he runs a Hunter, kill it before it attacks; it's the biggest glass cannon there is. Also remember Hoffman's single biggest weakness; he is absolutely terrible at spreading out, which means that certain strategy/scheme combinations upset him; try placing your strat markers (if any) on the opposite side of the board to his, and defending his with the majority of your crew whilst you complete yours with a minor model or two. Choose schemes that don't suit his bunched up playstyle too.

Belles are not completely useless; remember you can Lure your own models too, and they're very tough, significant models for 4 points so strat/scheme depending they can be very good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Belles are not completely useless; remember you can Lure your own models too, and they're very tough, significant models for 4 points so strat/scheme depending they can be very good.

I'm still brand new to Malifaux, so there's a good chance that I have this wrong, but if you bring the lovely Sybelle, can't you also activate a bunch of Belles at once? That seems like it would be useful in an objective game, especially if your opponent doesn't have a lot of models (so your early activation doesn't come back to bite you later in the turn).

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