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Rampant Semi-Baseless Book 3 Speculation


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...my favorite kind of speculation.

I looked at the calendar and went, HOLY JEEZ! When did it become almost May? Then I remembered the joyous and momentous occasion that happened on May 15 last year: Book 2 playtest announced. And given that on some podcast somewhere...I think d6...the Malifaux crew implied they might have Book 3 ready for GenCon this year I think the time right to begin the speculation and wish listing.


There is reasoning behind these other than "I want."

  • 5th master - New Masters showed up in Book 2, no reason to think they won't show up in book 3.
  • Additional Special Forces - explicitly mentioned in the Book 2 introduction that more would be showing up
  • New Units to Help Balance - Happened in Book 2, nor reason to think they won't show up in book 3.

Now, I feel speculating on what new masters might grace is a futile endeavor and Wyrd as demonstrated a thoroughly weird creativity. Although I would not be opposed to a resser with Egyptian style undead, I think it fruitless to attempt to predice things. (Did anyone seriously predict Kirai?) But we can reasonably deduce some of the other things.


Additional Special Forces:

Looking at the current release, Lucius is in decent shape, Kaeris is in decent shape, Collodi is in decent shape, and Von Schill is playable right out of the box. Molly, poor Molly, only has a pet three-headed abomination to play with. Conventional wisdom would imply that additional Horrors are needed to round out her crew, but this is an interesting point. Given Molly's hiring restrictions she has a full crew between the Rogue and a 3 belles (22 point crew right there). However, I think that there will be 1 or 2 horrors added to the arsenal...and my hope is another type of belle to make Seamus happy.

But assuming they don't...does this mean additional henchmen? Now that Candy is all grown up does she get the mini-Hamelin treatment? Are there any other immediate candidates in the lore for the henchmen treatment?

New Units to Help Balance:

Raspy got her silent ones and snow storm. Ressers got disposable range via guild autopsies. Now this walks the fine line between wishlisting and having some logic to back it up. I am honestly not too sure if the new masters require any patches. Giving Kirai a more beefy spirit seems broken given her mobility and relative durability. Colette with Coryphee continues to cause nightmares, and LCB and alp bomb continues to be a viable tactic. (By all means, argue with me on that point. I will be fully honest, I have not seen Hoffman played, and the last time I saw some of the other masters was the day after I got home from GenCon).

So I hypothesize that Wyrd will release models that do not necessarily bolster the strength of a crew, but instead give it more flexibility. Sounds good, but I am not exactly sure what it means either. I have issues finding deficiencies in all given crews that would be fixed by adding a new ability. But...that's what happened in book 2 so I say it will happen in book 3! (Plus...do we really think the Ortega family is that small?)

So that's what I have managed to think up about future releases. Yea, yea...a whole lot of not a lot. I think my most interesting thought was that the addition of more special forces implies more henchmen. The easiest example is that of Kaeris. While a Ramos or Colette/Kaeris crew fluffwise works well (plus not too shabby on the table), Marcus, I would argue, as absolutely no synergy with her. So perhaps we get a uber Myranda to give our feral friend some help?

So I ask you, what do you reasonably expect from Book 3? Aka what does Wyrd need to add to continue growth of the game?

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I'm expecting some "experienced" versions of existing unique characters. As mentioned, Candy is very likely to get a second model and statline. Francisco could be a candidate as well, and that would be excellent.

How would you feel about a system to "grow" your own minion's abilities over time? I don't know that that is in the plans (in fact i kind of doubt it), I'm just curious...

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How would you feel about a system to "grow" your own minion's abilities over time? I don't know that that is in the plans (in fact i kind of doubt it), I'm just curious...

I'd love it, but that would have to be a separate game. Mixing in RPG elements with static figures sounds disastrous.

Also, generic Ortegas. And I'm obligated to say more Showgirls on behalf of Tuesday.

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I personally wouldn't say Kaeris is in good shape. I look forward to more minions that fit with her.

I'm looking forward to the flames.

Agreed - If memory serves, as she stands right now she's only got access to 5 models (Gunsmith, Large Steampunk Arachnid, Soulstone Miner, Joss and Johan) - 2 are unique and 2 are Rare 2... That doesn't exactly make a flexible crew...

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A Belle that does ranged combat,a few more horrors. A melee style freikorps.Francisco and Candy as henchman would be neat. Ortega guild guard types. similiar in stats but having the family ability instead of the guild guard ones.

I think having some more variety in Collette's showgirls would also do well.

A basic front line troop for the Arcanist faction would also be quite useful,they dont seem to have the generic troop choices that say,the guild or ressers have.

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A melee style freikorps.

He's Big he's blond his Name is Ludwig and he's got a big Club.

Cannot wait for Avatar Somer.

Fatter with a bigger gun.

And a waaaaaay bigger Hat :P

I'd love to see Campaigne rules, as its a character driven game.

There should be a "Von Schill only" Totem, he's the only master/henchman without one. (Maybe Ludwig ?)

Maybe some Beasts for Marcus underlining his schaman style (wolf pack including packleader) making him a very fast pack hunting bastard.

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He's Big he's blond his Name is Ludwig and he's got a big Club.

And a waaaaaay bigger Hat :P

I'd love to see Campaigne rules, as its a character driven game.

There should be a "Von Schill only" Totem, he's the only master/henchman without one. (Maybe Ludwig ?)

Maybe some Beasts for Marcus underlining his schaman style (wolf pack including packleader) making him a very fast pack hunting bastard.

I think the only hencmen that have specific totems are ophilia and molly. Von schill can use the student of conflict. I know collodi can't use any. Can't remember about kaeris or lucius.

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I expect to be pleasantly suprised no matter what gets released, but as to my speculations.

-Fourth Horsemen (Can't wait to bring on the Apocalypse with Levi).

-Expansion of Special Forces

--Ranged and Caster Dolls for Collodi

--More "basic" Kin and Family members to keep the Feud going, lol.

--I second the idea of a more Melee focused 'Korps model.

--Molly needs more special forces in general.

--Kaeris, same boat as Molly.

-Avatars - After the events of the fluff, we should hopefully see some more about this.

-Some more "non-special forces" models to keep the book 1-2 masters viable.

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I think the only hencmen that have specific totems are ophilia and molly. Von schill can use the student of conflict. I know collodi can't use any. Can't remember about kaeris or lucius.

Even Molly's isn't only for her - it just has an extra rule with her... She can also use the Grave Spirit...

Kaeris currently can't take totems when used as a Master (since her list of allowed models is only M&SU Members and Assets). Same for Collodi, but in fairness this could possibly be fixed with the cards to allow them generic totems (taking the essence of Power with Kaeris is a big boon for her...)

Lucius has a choice of the 2 generic ones (Governor's Proxy and Drill Sergeant) but the synergy with the Drill Sergeant and his Guardsmen Heavy crew is fairly obvious...

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I think the only hencmen that have specific totems are ophilia and molly. Von schill can use the student of conflict. I know collodi can't use any. Can't remember about kaeris or lucius.

But all the Other Henchman have Totems who (which ?) are obviously meant for them, Student of Conflict just doesn't fit with the Freikorps look.

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