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How I wish it were that simple here. Would make my life so much easier. -_- No, here in the states, there's an amount of taxes that you owe, and a different amount that the government took off your wages for the past 12 months. Depending on your deductions (I claim the standard which makes stuff simpler) you either overpaid, or underpaid. In my case, I overpaid, so I got back a good chunk of money.

Sounds damn complicated...you americans and your zany behaviour!! ;)

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Morning everyone! Hope people are doing well. Started a new writing project last with the hopes of alternating it with the novel, we'll see if that works out. In really great news, my car passed inspection without a problem, so I get to put almost all of my tax refund straight towards a new laptop! Woot! How's everyone doing?

Howdy Stranger! :)

Writing again? The Muse has returned! :)

Just one more night then 6 lovely days off.

Oh and the Cat vs Dog debate I pick........ Ferrets!

Here's a pic of mine, he's part polecat and an evil mastermind... thats why I named him HORUS:


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Howdy Stranger! :)

Writing again? The Muse has returned! :)

Just one more night then 6 lovely days off.

Oh and the Cat vs Dog debate I pick........ Ferrets!

Here's a pic of mine, he's part polecat and an evil mastermind... thats why I named him HORUS:


Cute..ferrets are great until they decide to latch on with their teeth....they aren't designed to let go anytime soon!

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Ah yes...this is why I have no interest in software testing. "If this bizarre and planet aligning circumstance happens, will the computer explode?" No thanks, lol.

Maybe I've worked in science too long, but that's the kind of stupid question I keep finding myself asking. "If I do this, and this, then we try putting it near something blue and playing classical music at it..." preferably followed by a loud bang :Paralyzed_Puppet:

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Maybe I've worked in science too long, but that's the kind of stupid question I keep finding myself asking. "If I do this, and this, then we try putting it near something blue and playing classical music at it..." preferably followed by a loud bang ;)

See, that's different though. That's something in the real world, not 0s and 1s!

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Sounds damn complicated...you americans and your zany behaviour!! ;)

*Joins in*

Yeah... you Americans are crazy! Everyone knows its coloUr and not color. Every time I used the correct spelling this forum highlights it as a spelling mistake... I'm not the one with the problem here!!!!! :)

*Jumps about firing his gun in the air*

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Maybe I've worked in science too long, but that's the kind of stupid question I keep finding myself asking. "If I do this, and this, then we try putting it near something blue and playing classical music at it..." preferably followed by a loud bang :Paralyzed_Puppet:

lol...its not blue things you need to worry about......its anything purple....honest. ;)

---------- Post added at 03:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:26 PM ----------

*Joins in*

Yeah... you Americans are crazy! Everyone knows its coloUr and not color. Every time I used the correct spelling this forum highlights it as a spelling mistake... I'm not the one with the problem here!!!!! :)

*Jumps about firing his gun in the air*

Heh I've had this debate with KArn many times......you could say its one of our FavoUrites! Just like my favoUrite coloUr is Red!

Hey Regnak, Hows my armoUr looking?


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I get a lot more money back from the Feds than some, because I am paying my student loans, and they can't charge you raxes on the interest (or some such crap) so it's an additional deduction.

I think the Fed does taxes this way to make people feel better about giving up one tenth (or so) of their paycheck every week...

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That reminds me I need to feed the threads fish

we have fish? really? why wasn't i informed?

The worst one for me is grey vs gray. I use the former because I'm so used to reading it that way, thanks to years of black library. Eventually I turn off spell check because it corrects things that are right, just different spelling.

ooh forgot that one!

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Going to be able to get some xbox time from the lady over the weekend? I think I might be able to get two other players to join us in Exterminatus!

Should be fine sir. Shes working Sunday so thats a definite. The other days its whoever wins the battle that day. Shes doing that Final Fantasy review I mentioned and the battle for the Xbox has already begun and usually she has the edge.. :(

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Aren't words great? :)

Yeah....I like 'antidisestablishmentarianism'.......... have no idea what it means but its cool.

Antidisestablishmentarianism (listen to British sample (info), American sample (info)) is a political position that originated in 19th-century Britain in opposition to proposals for the disestablishment of the Church of England, that is, to remove the Anglican Church's status as the state church of England, Ireland, and Wales.

The establishment was maintained in England, but in Ireland the Church of Ireland (Anglican) was disestablished in 1871. In Wales, four Church of England dioceses were disestablished in 1920, subsequently becoming the Church in Wales.

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