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100% for the crew of serenity, btw... Then 94% for Moya And babylon 5. 88% for stargate sg-1

*snickers* 5.88% SG-1, someone doesn't like being a government puppet ;D

Baptist......... Crazy

*winces and hugs your head*

Well as long as you stay out of her way.... :/

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Ha! My crazy aunt wants nothing to do with anyone who isn't baptist *pets Karn's tail and mutters under her breath*

*purrs and leans against your head*

Well at least that works out for both of you at least right? Better then constantly fighting even if it is a shame :/

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I'm here till 3 :( and I can't leave the mall... Would take too long... I'm all by my onesies...

Blah that sucks, at least only two more hours.

*Sits on your shoulder and curls tail around your neck*

Well at least you have us to keep your company/entertained =)

Though nit is a bit quiet today... hopefully no plotting is afoot >.>

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Ugh...that's a sucky shift. Sorry. :(

I always hated working the shifts at Longhorn where I was straddling a meal time, but then, most days it was easy to duck into the kitchen area for like 2 minutes and scarf down something. Or 2 minutes each hour to eat something small.

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Always plotting!

Actually, at the moment I'm plotting to destroy Photobucket's server bandwidth, by posting new pics on here and having everyone click the links. Mwa ha ha

lol! Nice man, good to get the pics up though =)

I need to get some of mine up eventually, starting to get my painting train rolling to have everything done by Gencon! Still a lot of models to go though >.>

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I took some pictures of my crews form my henchman application... They look like crap though... My iPod camera is not for minis... :D

lol yeah that would about sum up my problem, I don't have a camera besides a dated digital one... and Im not even sure if it's card even works any more.

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Eh, I use the regular Kodak camera that we got like 2 years ago for about $80. Don't need anything fancy. Important thing is to use the Macro setting, and either the Flash, or some really good lighting (like 2-3 light sources, probably).

I watched one of those vids you can find on youtube about how to take pics of your models, they always said the same thing to. 2 - 3 light sources and try to make it even lighting and that you didn't need something fancy camera.

I think my Webcam could work pretty well... hmmm maybe I'll do some with that when I finish. Hoffman isn't looking ot bad in his Purple XD

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Well, to be honest, I built myself a DIRT CHEAP light box out of white foam board, just hot glued together into a box shape, with one side open. Then I just use the exact same daylight bulb that I use for painting, and aim it toward the box. Then I use the flash on my camera when taking the photos. They come out pretty well.

Here, give me a few minutes and I'll post up a couple of the ones I snapped last night and then give a link. Making posts on the forums keeps distracting me from finishing to crop the photos. :tongue2:

EDIT: http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=14413

Be sure to look at the newer photos though, and compare to the older ones. Same camera, but with the light box/better lighting.

Edited by LoboStele
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Well, to be honest, I built myself a DIRT CHEAP light box out of white foam board, just hot glued together into a box shape, with one side open. Then I just use the exact same daylight bulb that I use for painting, and aim it toward the box. Then I use the flash on my camera when taking the photos. They come out pretty well.

Here, give me a few minutes and I'll post up a couple of the ones I snapped last night and then give a link. Making posts on the forums keeps distracting me from finishing to crop the photos. :tongue2:

EDIT: http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=14413

Be sure to look at the newer photos though, and compare to the older ones. Same camera, but with the light box/better lighting.

Ohhh nice Lobo!

I really like Colette and the box XD that one came out fantastic.

I really like your base work and your Lelu's pose came out perfect for him basically charging/lumbering after someone. Very good!

I'm dreading starting Lelu, I want to try and do shading on the muscles to get all his tone right but going to be a lot of working and being partially color blind makes subtle things like that hard for me, I often have to overshade to tell the difference >.>

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I'm dreading starting Lelu, I want to try and do shading on the muscles to get all his tone right but going to be a lot of working and being partially color blind makes subtle things like that hard for me, I often have to overshade to tell the difference >.>

Ugh...I can't imagine being partially color blind and trying to do painting! Yuck.

I was jazzed when I found those bases which had a slight angle to it already, and made Lelu's stance work PERFECT.

I've had a lot of fun adding little extras to my pieces (did you see my Ramos?). But with Hoffman and Levi I'm really having a tough time figuring out what to change about them. I had a great idea for Hoffman, but I'm going to have to approach it a bit differently, as his legs are REALLY stiff, and wouldn't really bend at all the way I was thinking. And I really don't want to cut him up. :wacko: For Levi...paint scheme will be inspired, but I don't think I'm going to do much with the piece itself. Now the Desolation Engine....yeah, got plans there. :)

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Ugh...I can't imagine being partially color blind and trying to do painting! Yuck.

I was jazzed when I found those bases which had a slight angle to it already, and made Lelu's stance work PERFECT.

I've had a lot of fun adding little extras to my pieces (did you see my Ramos?). But with Hoffman and Levi I'm really having a tough time figuring out what to change about them. I had a great idea for Hoffman, but I'm going to have to approach it a bit differently, as his legs are REALLY stiff, and wouldn't really bend at all the way I was thinking. And I really don't want to cut him up. :wacko: For Levi...paint scheme will be inspired, but I don't think I'm going to do much with the piece itself. Now the Desolation Engine....yeah, got plans there. :)

Yeah I need to rework mine a bit, especially seeing yours now XD I want to get the heavier angel.

For Hoffman Ive hot him more how I like him, mainly just bending and moving it a bit to be more dynamic and trying to get it in more of an action pose then anything else, hoffman is still just there though in his harness, can't really figure out a good pose for him so he just looks impantient

Mmm my Levy's pose is basically plane but I'm going to do a bit with his base I think. Desolation Engine ise awesome. I had some old GW Dark Eldar chains I put onto his back so he has this almost cape of spiked and hooked chains coming off his back and built up his base so it looks like he is chasing you up a hill or something like that.

I wish I had better plans for my SPA's, dont really have any unique ideas for them.

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