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*does the thread killer dance*

S'up Ciaran?

---------- Post added at 09:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:14 AM ----------

I have no talent for creating signature badge thingies what so ever... I don't really know what I'd put on there... other than my AWESOME Star Wars reference and a link to my painting... although... I wouldn't mind if it was aesthetically pleasing...

---------- Post added at 09:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 AM ----------

*grr* <-makes me giggle just a little... 0=)

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*strolls into thread*

What the....?

Oh, its like that is it..I leave for the weekend and you change it all around...

Bloomin regnak i bet...

*sits down with a coffee, unsure of the new place*

Edit: I'm a freakin' Belle!! What happened to the arachnid? Oh this is not good....

And my sig...gone...this is just too much...

*sits down in a cold sweat*

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I think you missed a spot when you shaved your chest

*falls into a fit of giggles*

Thats a birth mark!

Stop playing with them, you'll go blind.

Oh wait, is that insensitive?

Who said that?

Yeah Baby... come here often? :D


*gasps for breath at Steam and Reg's comments*

oh gods, I can't breathe! And my face hurts!

*glances at Abs again and sits down, tears streaming from her eyes as she laughs*

Ah but come on, I'm quite convincing...look at these legs...took me ages to squeeze into these leather pants but they do make my butt look good! ;)

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Man this afternoon sucks! Laptop is busted and IT are taking their sweet time looking at it and I have soooo much work today but can't do any of it. If I have known it would have been this bad I'd have taken the day off and painted more of my ramos crew. On that, I am flying through these models XD

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Thats a birth mark!

Sure Sure ;)

Ah but come on, I'm quite convincing...look at these legs...took me ages to squeeze into these leather pants but they do make my butt look good! ;)

That's really quite... terrifying.... *gags and vomits a little*

I wonder how many people are closing the New Forum Posts window on the home page due to this madness.

*giggles* Serves 'em right!

Excuse me for a second, there's a bucket I need to be sick into.

I think I'll join you :(

really? *looks in mirror* quite tasty I thought....

you would.... *shivers, but giggles, causing her to groan* ow... my ribs...

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