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Im ok....23k posts...and i was happy i hit 150 lol...another time a woman makes me feel like I've grossly underacheived....

lol, she hasn't had 23,000 posts....she just got the 23,000 post in this thread!

Its kind of an ongoing contest to see who gets the landmark posts! Fell seems to be winning hands down though...

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and before people say "ramos..a book 1 master filth?"

do linked in(0)..then electrical fire(1) cc14 armour ignoring for remaining ap(3 attacks), then activate ss miner do the +2 melee master and then attack use last ap to bury (3 armour ignoring cb6 attacks).

use other ss miner and do +2 melee master and attack (3 armour ignoring cb6 attacks)

then with rusty do burn out on same ss miner, then use rustys last ap to do rust (cc14 armour ignoring and slow), using ss miner do 3 cb6 armour ignoring attacks followed by bury.

so all in all 13 armour ignoring attacks in 1 turn :)

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I'm really swayed to start the VAmpire Counts army i have always wanted to do for the last 15 years, and now the new book is out....temptation is strong.

But the cost of the rank and file always puts me off.

Until i discovered Mantic... Double the size boxsets of skellies, ghouls and zombies for half the price? Yes please.

And plastic multipart, and variety of parts?

This might just be a possibility.

*rubs hands together in thought*

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Morning everyone! It's FRIDAY! And I got another 1200 words written last night... Just need to finish the scene and we're good to go to post up again. Oddly enough, I've figured out that (for now) my most productive music to listen is Frank Sinatra and Robbie Williams... No idea why.

And Abs, Mantic does good work. I got one of their character models, the dark elf sorceress, was very impressed.

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